Dating In Ait Army


So my (now) ex cheated on me with one of her Drill Sergeants and is now dating him. I'm not in the army, but I know she is still in IET/AIT/TRADOC. Should/could I do anything to fuck with them? Drop an anonymous tip about their relationship (if it's not allowed? I don't know much about UCMJ but I feel like Cadre/permanent party relationships and/or NCO/Junior enlisted relationships wouldn't be allowed) To the mods who are gonna think this is shit posting, it really isn't. I dated this girl for 3 years and I'm pissed. Advice?

Update: I have called and spoken to the IG at her basic training base and given all proof. I chose to remain anonymous so I will not receive a follow up, but I am sure I will hear about it in the weeks to come, and if so I will update you guys with that news.

Of all the army marriages one out of 3 that I knew between soldiers hasn't ended in divorce. I had a rather large AIT class and I am willing to bet there was about 30 or so couples that met while in AIT. There was about 150 or so in my class. So my (now) ex cheated on me with one of her Drill Sergeants and is now dating him. I'm not in the army, but I know she is still in IET/AIT/TRADOC. Should/could I do anything to fuck with them? Drop an anonymous tip about their relationship (if it's not allowed?

Girlfriend at basic is suddenly disinterested and unresponsive. Well Reddit this has been on my mind and I’m looking for some thoughts on the situation. Backstory: My girlfriend and I have been dating for about a year. These past three months she’s been gone for basic training in the army. During the first 2 months we wrote each other.


The Super Basics

  • The Regular Army (Active Duty): Full-time Army service.

  • The Army Reserve: Reserve soldiers perform only part-time duties as opposed to full-time (active duty) soldiers, but rotate through mobilizations to full-time duty. When not on active duty, reserve soldiers typically perform training/service one weekend per month, currently referred to as Battle Assembly, and for two continuous weeks at some time during the year referred to as Annual Training (AT). Many reserve soldiers are organized into Army Reserve troop program units (TPU), while others serve in active Army units as Individual Mobilization Augmentees (IMA), or are in non-drilling control groups of the Individual Ready Reserve (IRR). Reserve Soldiers may also serve on active duty in support of the US Army Reserve (USAR) in an Active Guard/Reserve (AGR) status.

  • The National Guard: The primary reserve military force, partly maintained by individual states but also available for federal use.

  • Enlistments are eight year terms. What amounts of that are spent on active or non-active duty varies by your individual contract.

  • MOS - Military Occupational Specialty, your Army job. List of Army Careers [Wikipedia]

Get answers from an Active Duty recruiter here by /u/JavexV. This is an active running thread to get answers from an actual recruiter. You can read the thread, Ctrl+F key words, or ask your question there.

Get answers from a National Guard recruiter here by /u/hazo501. Same deal as above.


The purpose of the MEPS is to determine if you are qualified and ready for military service.

On the night before your processing, many of you will stay with other recruits in a motel close to your MEPS. The cost of your room will be covered by the government. It's important that you follow the house rules while staying in the motel. Any misconduct will be treated accordingly.You are going to get up early so make sure you eat a good breakfast because it will be a long day. The MEPS will provide you Lunch at no cost, and Dinner for those of you who will stay overnight in the motel.

When you arrive at the MEPS, you will go through a metal detector and your bags will be checked for contraband such as weapons and illegal items. If found, your entrance into MEPS may be denied.

You should wear comfortable clothing of suitable appearance. Hats, headbands, sleeveless shirts, open-toed shoes, tank tops, midriffs or halter-tops, and clothing with objectionable or obscene words are not allowed. Underwear is mandatory.MEPS personnel will help you go through five basic steps in the enlistment processing at your MEPS center.

The five steps are… …aptitude testing… …medical examination… …job search… …background screening… …and the oath of enlistment. When you come to MEPS, the first step in the enlistment process will be aptitude testing. However, if you already have been tested, you may not need to retake the test.

The test you will take is called the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery, or ASVAB.All branches of the armed forces use the ASVAB to find out what your abilities are. The results of your ASVAB will help you and your service decide what your career opportunity should be. You will receive your ASVAB test results during your medical exam. If you don't get a qualifying score, your processing stops. You can retake the ASVAB another day.

Your next stop will be your physical examination. This exam determines your physical aptitude for career options in the armed forces.It also tells you which career opportunities you may be qualified for.Accuracy and truthfulness are essential in completing your medical history for determining what job you will get and not risk your personal health and safety.

They will test your vision……and hearing……and blood pressure.

You will undergo a series of maneuvers to determine your physical capabilities. You will have blood drawn to test for the HIV virus. You will have a drug and alcohol test. All female applicants are tested for pregnancy. An authorized Medical Practitioner will give you a private exam.You will be asked to provide the name and phone number of your family physician. Also, if you wear glasses or contact lenses, bring them with you.After you have your ASVAB and medical test results, you will talk to a service liaison or counselor. Your aptitude tests, medical results and job availability at the time of your enlistment all will be considered in your job selection.

During your background screening, MEPS personnel make sure you understand the conditions of your enlistment; this step also ensures you understand what you're signed up to do!

You will be asked some questions about your marital status, drug or alcohol abuse, law violations and concealment of physical problems. It is very important that you answer these questions truthfully. You could be breaking the law if you do not. Not disclosing an existing condition could result in personal harm during the stressful environment of basic training.

When you have completed all of the steps of processing, you are ready for the oath of enlistment. This 'oath' means you are committed to joining the armed service. It is a contract. The oath you will take is the same one that many generations of Americans before you have taken with pride.

Family members may attend the oath of enlistment.The last thing you will do at the MEPS is sign your delayed entry contract or your enlistment contract.Your MEPS will assist you in every step of your enlistment process. We'll make sure you're qualified and ready for service in the United States armed forces.


Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB)

The ASVAB is a multi-choice style test designed to determine your qualifications in the US Military. The current ASVAB is sectioned off in 9 tests which include:

  • General Science (GS)
  • Arithmetic Reasoning (AR)
  • Word Knowledge (WK)
  • Paragraph Comprehension (PC)
  • Mathematics Knowledge (MK)
  • Electronics Information (EI)
  • Automotive and Shop Information (AS)
  • Mathematical Comprehension (MC)
  • Assembling Objects (AO)
  • Verbal Expression (VE, determined by WK and PC)

    The Navy will require Coding Speed (CS)

All of these sections will help determine what you are qualified to do in the Army. More information can be found here [wikipedia]

Body Examination/ Physical

The body examination and physical are necessary to conclude whether or not you are able to go through Basic Training. Not achieving perfect scores do not disqualify you from joining the military. Be sure to tell the doctor any and all health defects or conditions you may have. If you do not, this may result in injury durring Basic Training.

The Body Examination/ Physical may include but are not limited to:

  • Height and Weight Measurement. The Army has standards for minimum/ maximum height and weight. If you do not meet the requirements, ask your recruiter about physical fitness programs or health diets to meet the requirements, or see Physical Preparation
  • Hearing and Vision Examination.Perfect hearing and vission are not required except for specific MOS's.
  • Urine and Blood Test.These test are to determine if HIV antibodies are present, if female is pregnant, and a drug and alcohol screening. Be honest with your recruiter and MEPS Physician about substance abuse.
  • Muscle Group and Joint Maneuvers.Simple test to check flexibility, balance, and your range of motion.

For more information about the Body Examination/ Physical, click here [TodaysMilitary]

Schools in your contract

In addition to MOS training, you may be able to get special training in your contract. When compiling your contract at MEPS, you might have the opportunity for an Option 4 (Airborne School), Option 40 (Airborne + Ranger Selection) or 18X (Special Forces enlistment option) contract.

For an Option 4 contract, you are guaranteed a slot at Airborne School between your BCT and AIT (or after OSUT, if applicable).

With Option 40, you are guaranteed Airborne School and the Ranger Assessment and Selection Program (RASP).

The 18X contract grants you Infantry OSUT, Airborne School, a SF prep course, and then Special Forces Assessment and Selection (SFAS). If you do not pass selection, most individuasl are assigned to infantry units, and revert to their 11 Series MOSQ. Starting in late 2015, there was a large shift to failures reverting to Needs of the Army. The contract you will sign does include language that allows the Army to reclassify you at the Army's will -- which means you could wind up as anything, a cook, a fueler, a medic, etc, given your ASVAB qualifications and the Army's needs. It is no longer an automatic guarantee that you will 'revert back' to infantry. You will still hold your MOSQ for 11 series, but you may be classified Needs of the Army for SF failure.

For more information on skill training, see 'Advanced Skill Schools' below.

Ranger Contract

Option 40, as in '11B option 40' is a contract option that guarantees an attempt to join the 75th Ranger Regiment. You attend either OSUT or Basic Combat and Advanced Individual Training, then Airborne School, then the Ranger Assessment and Selection Program (RASP). Upon graduating RASP you will be accepted into the Ranger Regiment but not Ranger qualified. Becoming Ranger qualified requires graduating Ranger School, attendance of which is determined by your unit.

Availability of option 40 varies over time, ask your recruiter. It is also only available to certain MOSs.

By: /u/chrome1453

Prior Service Enlistment

[Brief write up about Basic Training]

Basic Combat Training information thread by Drill Sergeant /u/looney82. This is an active running thread to get answers to your BCT questions. You can read the thread, Ctrl+F key words, or ask your question there.

Guide to Basic Training by /u/MLRSguy (posted in /r/military)

Some more information and resources by /u/underpressure221


You don't need to bring much to Basic Training, almost everything will be provided for you when you get there. You should be able to fit everything in an easy to carry backpack.


  • Driver's license or state issued picture ID
  • Social Security Card
  • Direct Deposit Form (obtained from your bank)
  • Certified copy of Marriage license
  • Certified copy Dependents' birth records
  • High school diploma (only if you joined before graduation)
  • Most importantly: Ask your recruiter. Bring everything he says.


Bring one extra complete set of clothing. You likely won't even need it, all your civilian things will be locked up almost immediately upon arrival and you will not get them back until you leave.


  • Bring a quality razor and shaving cream
  • Toothbrush and toothpaste
  • Antiperspirant
  • Dental floss
  • Shampoo
  • Soap and soap case


  • $50 cash
  • Combination and/or key lock
  • Cell phone. If you don't bring a phone, you will have to use one of the few payphones at your company/battery and lose out on a lot of time waiting.

You will receive a type of debit card that will have a predetermined amount of money that will be deducted from your first pay check. You will buy additional/missing/extra items as well as running shoes at the PX (Post Exchange) when you arrive. Any sharp metal objects such as files or tweezers will be confiscated.

Do Not Bring

Expensive personal items, cameras, radios, iPods, jewelry, costly watches, nonprescription drugs or drug paraphernalia, steel hair picks, weapons of any type including pocket knives, obscene or pornographic material, anything with alcohol to include mouthwash, any tobacco products.

Physical Preparation

[Concise but useful write up, what to expect for PT in BCT]

[How to prepare]

Other Resources:

  • /r/fitness
  • /r/bodyweightfitness
  • FM 7-22


Army ROTC is one program at most colleges that provides leadership training. In Army ROTC, students quickly gain the confidence and self-discipline necessary to succeed in college. As they progress, students acquire skills and experience in taking charge of activites, setting goals, managing people and resources and making decisions in demanding circumstances.

ROTC expands a student’s education by providing leadership and management experience. This training helps students develop self discipline, physical stamina, and poise—qualities basic to success in any worthwhile career. They earn commissions as second lieutenants in the U.S. Army (which includes the Active Army, Army National Guard, and Army Reserve) while earning their college degrees. Through ROTC, the Army gains officers with diverse educational backgrounds and contemporary ideas. At the same time, ROTC graduates have the chance to use their training in positions of leadership, and they enable the Army to relate to the thoughts and feelings of our ever-changing society. At present, over 80 percent of all second lieutenants for the U.S. Army come from ROTC programs nationwide

Four year scholarships are earned by proven high school students who have applied for the ROTC Scholarship through the Cadet Command Website. GPA, ACT/SAT performance, Physical Fitness (Athletics) and leadership experiences all weigh heavily in Cadet Command's decisions on who to award scholarships to. High School seniors can apply up until January 10th of their senior year. College students can earn 2, 3, and 3.5 year scholarships as well when they register for ROTC classes. Once again, College GPA, Physical Fitness, Degree of choice, program participation and availability of funds all factor into who is awarded scholarships. Most info can be found on your schools websites.

Looking to see what colleges offer it?

Ait Army Schools

Dating in ait army list

/r/ROTC is a subreddit dedicated to Cadets where you can find out more information on a variety of subjects regarding ROTC.

/u/fucks_with_toasters is also available for any ROTC related questions.

But how are you assigned a branch as an officer?

This is the 2015 OML, which gives you some insight into how accessions scores work in conjunction with the branching model being used by Cadet Command.


Writeup by /u/StillShamming

**Please consult the established OCS thread and write-up by SAONS12. Also, I'm not sure why CSM Dudas' picture is showing up on mobile.

For credentialing purposes, I am a prior-enlisted OCS graduate who is my unit's POC for OCS issues.

First, what is Officer Candidate School?

Officer Candidate School is a 12 week course held at Fort Benning, Georgia. It is administered by the 3-11th Infantry Battalion (OCS) It is offered to both in-service Soldiers and or to new enlistees with an O9S contract.

The key difference between Army OCS and the other services' OTS programs for new enlistees is that OCS is a COURSE. You are not enlisting to be an Army Officer: you are enlisting as a Specialist (E-4) with follow on training at OCS. If you fail this training, you will be reassigned to an AIT at the needs of the Army. Ditto for in-service Soldiers. If you do not complete the course, you go back to your unit.

How do I go to OCS?

Please note that all information below is only current as of FY 15: new OCS MILPER messages are issued by HRC annually and may change requirements. Contact your recruiter or consult the HRC page for the latest information.

FOR NEW ENLISTEES: you must contact a recruiter regarding an O9S contract. Recruiting stations will vary on what they're looking for when starting an O9S contract; some have more applicants than others. At a bare minimum you will need a bachelor's degree, a 110 GT score on the ASVAB, and to pass an interview board held by the recruiting Battalion.

There is some variation between recruiting stations/battalions. Each recruiting battalion is given a finite number of 'slots' for OCS. Depending on the number of applicants they have, they can be more or less stringent on things like PT score, GPA, prior experience, etc.

Letters of recommendation can help make an otherwise lackluster packet more competitive, so try to get quality letters from senior Officers, NCOs, or elected officials.

FOR IN-SERVICE SOLDIERS: Depending on your unit, you will need to build the packet in accordance with the guidance of the latest OCS MILPER message. Your S1 can assist with this packet. You will need to submit the packet to your units POC (usually S3 Schools, but this may differ), and pass a structured interview (read: board) with a minimum of an O-6 signature authority. You will need the sign-off of your company, battalion, and brigade commanders.

If you are in an outlying unit and do not have a normal chain of command, have no fear; build your packet, and submit through your S1 or equivalent to the first O-6 in your chain of command. The structured interview is still required, but can be held in a way that meets your units particular situation. In my unit, which does not fall under a brigade, I was the only applicant for the FY; I had a one-on-one interview with the O-6 signature authority, his XO, and a captain from the S-3. Expect to do a lot of legwork on your own to get your packet processed and your board scheduled, as the number of people who know about the OCS process are few and far between.

Branching at OCS

OCS commissions officers into all basic branches. You can NOT assess into Medical Service Corps, JAG, or Aviation* through OCS. These branches have their own recruitment procedures and schools.

*Aviation can be had at OCS, but ONLY if you have completed the necessary flight packet, flight physical, and relevant aptitude testing BEFORE you get to OCS. You will then submit your packet with a 4187 to be force branched to Aviation. This is the only way to branch aviation at OCS.

Each OCS class is given a selection of branch slots from HRC reflecting the current Needs of the Army. Some classes will have more slots of a particular branch than others; this is luck of the draw.

Reserve and National Guard Candidates will have their branches selected by their State or Unit.

Active Duty Candidates will compete on an Order of Merit List for branching purposes. This year, the OCS Commandant has changed how branching works for OCS. Candidates will create a wish-list of branches, and depending on their OML standing, their cadre's recommendations, and the available branch slots, the Commandant will finalize your branch.

This is different than in previous years, when Candidates physically picked their branch pin from a table in order of their rank on the OML. The top ten are more or less guaranteed to get their top choice, and most will get in their top 4. The candidates last on the list will be forced branched into whatever is available.

Requesting a Branch:

If you have relevant experience in a field (prior-service experience in Engineering, want to be branched EN, etc) you can submit a 4187 with letters of recommendation at the beginning of your class. Have your letters before you get there, you won't have much time to collect them.

Force Branching:

Females can now be force-branched into Combat Arms, including IN. Candidates at the bottom of the OML can be force-branched into any remaining slots. Do your best not to end up here.

The Order of Merit List

The OML is made up of competitive events during the first 9 weeks of OCS: the initial APFT, obstacle course, academic tests, and your garrison and field leadership grades. Of these, the APFT and the leadership grades are the most important.


The United States Military Academy at West Point (USMA), also known as West Point, Army, The Academy, or simply, The Point, is a four-year coeducational federal service academy located in West Point, New York. The admission process consists of two parts. Candidates must apply directly to USMA for admission, and they must obtain a nomination. The majority of candidates receive their nomination from their United States Representative or Senator. Some receive a nomination from the Vice-President of the United States. The nomination process is not political, and applicants do not have to know their congressman to be nominated. The nomination process typically consists of writing essays, obtaining letters of recommendation, and a formal interview. Admission to West Point is selective: 12.75% of applicants were admitted (total of 1292) to the Class of 2012. Candidates must be between 17 and 23 years old, unmarried, and with no legal obligation to support a child. Above average high school or previous college grades and strong performance on standardized testing is expected. The interquartile range on the old SAT was 1100–1360 and 68% ranked in the top fifth of their high school class. To be eligible for appointment, candidates must also undergo a Candidate Fitness Assessment and a complete physical exam. Up to 60 students from foreign countries are present at USMA, educated at the expense of the sponsoring nation, with tuition assistance based on the GNP of their country. Of these foreign cadets the Code of Federal Regulations specifically permits one Filipino cadet designated by the President of the Philippines. Candidates may have previous college experience, but they may not transfer, meaning that regardless of previous college credit, they enter the academy as a fourth class cadet and undergo the entire four-year program. If a candidate is considered academically disqualified and not selected, he or she may receive an offer to attend to the United States Military Academy Preparatory School. Upon graduation from USMAPS, these candidates are appointed to the academy if they receive the recommendation of the USMAPS Commandant and meet medical admission requirements. The West Point Association of Graduates (WPAOG) also offers scholarship support to people who are qualified but not selected. The scholarships usually cover around $7000 to civilian universities; the students who receive these scholarships do so under the stipulation that they will be admitted to and attend West Point a year later. Those who do not must repay the AOG. New Mexico Military Institute, Marion Military Institute, Valley Forge Military College and the Greystone Preparatory School at Schreiner University in Kerrville, Texas are programs that students often attend on the AOG scholarship prior to admission to West Point.

Officer Branches

Unlike enlisted members, an officer MOS is also known as a 'branch' or 'functional area.' DA Pam 600-3 is the Army's officer career guide. You can look up professional development and career pathways, as well as what that Army expects from each type of officer.

Several Functional Area officers talk about their jobs in this thread.

FA40's/Army Space Operations Officersdid an AMA.

12A: Engineer Officer

Really short: if you want to be an actual real-life 'I do math for a living' engineer, get a civilian job with USACE because Army engineers do not do that.On the other hand, not too many civilian engineers get to blow the living shit out of something. If you're lucky, your PSG might let you pull his fuze igniter. Inuendo totally on purpose.

As a staff weenie officer you will become very conversant with Micro$oft's Office Suite, or at least Outlook, Ppt, Word and Excel. Nobody gives a shit about your database capabilities. Why? Because that shit is too complicated for other officers to figure out, so we're not going to. The high point of staff life is actually making a positive difference for your subordinate units. This is done by recognizing what the commander needs to make decisions, recognizing what information is important to said decisions, and putting this information in front of the commander in a manner that is both timely and presented in a way that allows the Cdr to assimilate the info quickly. When you can bring all of that together, then you get to see that you're doing well. The Cdr, likely, will not care or recognize your effort. But your subordinate elements will sure as fuck recognize when smart decisions are made, and that is a lot more important than Cdr-level atta-boys.

90A: Multi-Functional Logistician Officer

90A's are what Transportation, Quartermaster and Ordinance Captains become once they graduate the Combined Logistics Captains Career Course (CLC3). The original intent behind this is that Captains can fill in any logistics roll with some level of competency, but that they should still track in their basic branch. So if you have a maintenance slot, it should go to the OD background guy.

Not everyone comes to CLC3 with the same background, but let's pretend that they did for a moment. After CLC3, the 90A will rejoin the wild in a slot that will most likely lead to a command. 90A Commands are present all across the Army, from Sustainment Brigades to Forward Support Companies (along with 01A positions that any officer can fill). Forward Support Companies are usually considered the best for a Officer's development, but the way I have always considered it is that 'A Command is a Command' (meaning, don't turn down a job just because it is not exactly your first choice). Until then, you will fill jobs at any one of many staff levels. Usual jobs are in Support Operations shops (SPO Shops) at the BSB, CSSB and Sustainment Brigade level, or in S/G-4 shops.

Once you are complete command, you may have time for a broadening assignment. There are several that Captains are eligible for, including Training with Industry. Keep an eye on the HRC page and talk with your Branch Manager to see what possibilities are out there.

Jobs as a major include SPO OIC, BDE and above S/G-4's, shop OIC's at the Echelon Above Brigade level and so on. Battalion command opportunities are abundant, as every BCT has a BSB, and most combat arms separate brigades (Fires Brigades and the likes) have them too. Sustainment Brigades usually have several logistics Battalions as well.But the combined LG branch is the largest officer branch in the Army. So.... yea. You have to be competitive to get those jobs.

There was a time that LG type officers were much more technical leaders than they are these days. Two things have changed in the past few decades. First, the Warrant Officers have taken a much larger role in the branches. Allowing WO's to specialize in fields that are increasingly demanding specialization makes it possible for LG Captains to become generalists. It can be frustrating as an Officer, but it also allows you to take the broader view of operations.

Second, the rise of Contracted logistics. The cost of logistics operations in enduring theaters is really high. Contractors can usually help the armed forces delegate control (sometimes in a cost efficient manner) to outside entities, allowing US troops to be used in more of a flex or specialized manner. However, this means that big logistics is increasingly a contractor ran area.

If you are a do-er, you will sometimes find this branch frustrating. But if you learn systems quickly and are personable, you will find this branch to be very satisfying.

Warrant Officer

There are two ways to become a Warrant Officer Aviator in the US Army. Enlisted members can submit an application packet to be reviewed by the board. Civilians can submit a packet through a recruiter (this program is unofficially known as 'Street to Seat').

Aviator Warrant Officer Career Progression and Tracks

Aviator Warrant Officer career progression common factors:

  • Flight school graduation
  • Arrival at unit, indoctrination, and Readiness Level progression
  • Pilot-in-Command approval and designation
  • Air Mission Commander and/or Unit Trainer

Aviator Warrant Officers also perform many additional duties just like other Soldiers. These might include unit armorer, UPL, COMSEC custodian, supply officer, property book officer, etc. After designation of Pilot-in-Command, aviators prepare to start one of four career tracks:

  • Instructor Pilot
  • Tactical Operations (TACOPS)
  • Aviation Safety Officer
  • Maintenance Test Pilot

Each career track has additional courses of training that the aviator takes at a later time to further develop on the track. These include Instrument Examiner (for IP's), and Maintenance Examiner (for MTP's).

Commissioned Officer

Commissioned Officers can become pilots by selecting the Aviation Branch or Medical Service Branch. Additional materials will be required to support an application for these branches, including the Class 1 Flight Physical, SIFT, and Letters of Recommendation.

Flight School

What are the stages of flight school?

Flight school consists of several phases, some common to all students, some not. Here is a rough outline:

  • Arrival to 1/145th. You will inprocess, do paperwork, and complete HOST (Helicopter Overwater Survival Trainer, 'The Dunker') while awaiting a class start date.
  • Basic Officer Leadership Course (BOLC). Warrant and Commissioned students attend together. Overview of officership and the Aviation Branch.
  • Survival Evasion Resistance Escape (SERE).
  • Initial Entry Rotary Wing - Primary. Basic helicopter flight in VFR conditions. Eight weeks, two checkrides.
  • IERW - Instruments. IFR navigation and flight techniques. 5 weeks simulator, 3 weeks actual flight, two checkrides.
  • IERW - Basic Warfighting Skills. Tactical manuevers, terrain flight navigation. 3 weeks, one checkride.

During Primary, instruments, and BWS, students also take academic classes on a variety of subjects. The class takes a PT test the week following BWS and this signifies the end of IERW. The class then does aircraft selection. Aircraft selection only applies to Regular Army members. Reserve Component students will have had an aircraft already selected based on their unit. For aircraft selection, all grades in BOLC, academic flight classes, and IERW, along with the PT test score, are factored together and an Order of Merit List is produced. On selection day, the class is presented with the type and number of aircraft available. The first student on the OML selects from the available slots. Then the second student, and so on.

After selection, the classes are reformed based on aircraft type and the students begin preparing for their advanced aircraft course (UH-60, AH-64, CH-47, or C-12).


/u/Faz223 had a thread about the SIFT here. Lots of good information in there.

Military/Veteran Crisis Line Call: 1-800-273-TALK (8255) Text: 838255 Chat confidentially online

Wounded Soldier and Family Hotline Call:1-800-984-8523

USASOC - Breaking the Stigma [YouTube]

Security Clearance answers thread by /u/CPTKickass

The Single Scope Background Investigation (SSBI) conducted to grant TS/SCI clearances is an extremely thorough background investigation. It will cover some of the things you mentioned: a local records check for criminal activity, examining your credit history, etc.

However something else that people tend not to think of and is a gold mine for investigators is online social-networking presence. That rant you posted on Twitter about marijuana legalization and the man keeping you down? They'll find it. That picture of you drinking at a party when you were clearly underage? They'll find it. Those messages of support to Ed Snowden using your real name in some message board? They'll find it.

Obviously most of that is exaggeration but you get my point. Start going through your social networking now and make sure it is fairly benign. Additionally, part of the process is interviewing people who know/knew you. Former employers, friends, family......anyone you list on your SF86 they will speak with face-to-face. So it is best to list people who like you and with whom you have/had a good relationship. Don't list that girlfriend/boyfriend that you left and now hates you. List someone who can speak to your integrity and trustworthiness.

An important bit of advice....DO.NOT.LIE.ON.YOUR.SF86. It will come back to bite you in the ass. Smoked pot a few times? Who cares? As long as you weren't some pot-head druggie they won't really care. They just want to know about it. They'll classify it as experimentation. Drinking? Well, as long as you don't show signs of a problem it's a non-issue.

Also, they will want to know about any foreign contacts you have. ANY foreign contacts. When my dad died my mom remarried a Canadian. Well, he had to be investigated b/c even though Canada is America's hat, he is still foreign. Keep in mind if you have a friend in a foreign country on Facebook whom you have not spoken with in 3 years, they still consider that a foreign contact.When you start talking about harder drugs i.e. cocaine and heroin, well you may have some issues. But the best advice is to be honest. I've heard of people who admitted experimental harder drug use get approved.

In my time as an AIT Platoon Sergeant at DLI I had over 400 students, and maybe 5 came back as having their clearance denied, even after the appeals/rebuttal process. So you have around a 99% chance of having it go through fine.

Keep in mind I'm not an investigator, I've just been around awhile

11B Infantryman

Life in the 1/75th by /u/Brian175

11B at Fort Polk by /u/1800BOTLANE

Answer to 'Is 11B OSUT hard?' by /u/PrivateSnuffy

12D Diver

The Army Has Divers? In Depth 12D (Army Engineer Diver) AIT For the Wiki by /u/deepseawannabe

The Army Has Divers? Pt 2. Day to Day as a 12D (Army Engineer Diver) by /u/ghosttraintoheck

13F Fire Support Specialist/Fister

13F AIT Guide with JFO by /u/Greyghost41

13F Overview from 4ID by /u/King_Tut-C

14G Air Defense Battle Management System Operator

14G Air Defense Battle Management System Operator by /u/mattion

MOS Specific Questions-15E UAS Repairer

15E Questions by /u/nessajaspoon

15T UH-60(Blackhawk) Helicopter Repairer

In-Depth 15T AIT by /u/Blazzurba

15T AIT by /u/cannon4747

17C Cyber Operations Specialist

Introduction to CYBERCOM and What to Expect by /u/e5062a640fadc36afabf (Two part comment.)


Ait Army Training

Cavalry Scout. Excellent write up and FAQ by /u/just_foo.

25B IT Specialist

25B guide to success by /u/sephstorm.

31B Military Police

31 B by /u/MayBeANarc

31 B National Guard by /u/240bro

37F Psychological Operations Specialist

37F AIT by /u/Mudko3

68A Biomedical Equipment Technician

68A MOS Information by /u/68Amuff

68P Radiology Specialist

68P AIT and typical day by /u/thanks_for_the_fish

68W Healthcare Specialist (Medic)

The 68W FAQ by /u/HeyPrivate

89D Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technician (EOD)

Everything you need to know about EOD by /u/scoutu

Air Assault School

Air Assault School is a two week (10 day) course that focuses on Combat Assault Operations. The course is split up into different phases including Zero Day, Air Assault Phase, Slingload Phase, Rappel Phase, and Graduation. An updated packing list is available at any of the Air Assault school's official website and I highly recommend that make sure you have the most up to date information if you don't have it already.

Disclaimer: This info is from my Cadet experience at The Sabaluaski Air Assault School located in Fort Campbell. This experience varies from school to school and the information provided is from my experience at TSAAS in May 2015.

Zero Day: Zero Day is the first day of Air Assault School. You will arrive to the school house and form up no later than 0430 with your course reservation or orders in your hand. Have more than one copy, just in case. Before 0600, you will be given a roster number and will be moved to a formation just outside the entrance to the schoolhouse. Once you are inside, the Air Assault sergeants will begin a sort of 'shark attack' and you will begin physical exercises at different locations. Shortly after, you will be taken to the obstacle course where you will be briefed in detail on each of the 9 obstacles that you are to complete. It's important to remember that two of the obstacles are mandatory and must be passed, the Tough One and the Confidence Climb. The other 7 are not mandatory, but you must negotiate 6 out of 7 to receive a GO. You will have a maximum of 2 attempts at each obstacle. Once you have completed the obstacle course, you will take off your blouse and put on your running shoes and run the required 2 miles. The standard to receive a GO is to finish the 2 miles in less than 20 minutes. The rest of Zero Day is either spent in class learning about the very basics of rotary-wing aircraft or outside in formation getting corrective training. Expect this day to be long. After this day, your roster number will be required on items such as your ACH and canteen. Make sure it is straight and centered and follows the school SOP.

Air Assault Phase: This phase begins on Day 1 and consists of an incredibly detailed in-ranks inspection and gear layout. You will be given a gear layout sheet in advance and will be expected to lay out your gear just as the diagram suggests in under 5 minutes. The first step is ensuring that you have all of the gear listed on the packing list. Ensure that your gear doesn't have ANY holes, rips, tears, or anything that someone could deem it as non-serviceable. Pay close attention to the green waterproof bags for holes, they will put a flash light in the bag and will check for holes. Non-issued stuff for my class was unauthorized, this was to include Fox River socks, under armor sand t-shirts, etc. I packed my stuff the night before and ran through drills of getting all of the gear out and laid out in under 5 minutes. For each deficiency, you will be given a predetermined number of points added to your roster number. I can't remember the exact cut-off number, but after a certain number of points, you will be terminated from the course. Many students find this extensive gear layout to be pointless, but it pounds the concept of attention to detail into your head. The day after the gear layout, you will conduct the 6 mile road march with a 35 lb assault pack and will be required to complete it in under 1.5 hours. Make sure you have everything in your assault pack required for the 6 mile. You will spend the majority of this phase in the class room learning more about rotary-wing aircraft, aircraft safety, and hand and arm signals. This phase ends with two very basic tests; a written exam over the material learned from this phase and a hand-arm test.

Slingload Phase:This phase begins on Day 4 and is spent primarily in the classroom with a heavy work load with lots of numbers and equipment to memorize. Pay close attention to all of the instruction. This phase is as easy as you make it. Everything that is taught in the classroom is in your handbook which will be with you the entire time. I highly encourage you to highlight anything that will help you, along with making note cards to memorize everything required for the testing. On Day 5, you will be given the opportunity to work outside the classroom and work on clean and dirty slingloads. Dirty slingloads are loads that are hooked improperly, or have equipment that can't support the slingload properly. Clean loads are slingloads that have met all of the requirements. A lot of individuals didn't take this phase and the practice runs seriously, and were miserably confused when they were trying to find the deficiencies. The instructors allowed us to stay after school was done for the day and run through more of the loads if you wanted to. I highly recommend this if you want just a little more practice. On Day 6 you will be given a written test and hands-on test on slingloads. The written portion of the test is cakewalk if you have studied. On the hands-on test, you will be given 2 minutes to find 3 out of the 4 deficiencies on M998 HMMWV, 5,000/10,000 Cargo Nets, A-22 Cargo Bag, and Multi-Fuel Blivets. Do not stress about this phase. Study and do well. However, if you do fail, you will be given the opportunity to retest after some additional training. My class was not required to test on the M101A1 Howitzer.

Rappel Phase:*This phase begins on Day 7 and consists of all rappelling operations. You start by learning the basics of safety when rappelling, tying a Swiss seat, and begin rappelling down the small inclined wall. The first day of this phase is extremely easy if you pay attention and do as you are told. You are required to tie your own Swiss seat and will be inspected by the instructors. On Day 8, you will be instructed on 3 different types of rappels; Hollywood, Hollywood lock-in, and Combat. You will begin on the walled side of the 34 foot tower, where you will be instructed on the process of hooking in and begin your Hollywood rappel (rappelling without any equipment), then move to the open side to complete your Hollywood lock-in (rappelling without any equipment but a required brake hand switch mid rappel), and finally the Combat rappel (rappel with IBA/IOTV, ACH, and dummy rifle). This phase ends on Day 9 with graded testing on tying a Swiss seat in under 90 seconds, hooking up to the tower in under 15 seconds, and the 3 different types of rappels given the day before. After testing, you will standby to see if you will rappel out of a Blackhawk. Surprisingly enough, there are plenty of classes that did not get to rappel out of the Blackhawk. I was fortunate enough to get the opportunity, and loved it.

Graduation Phase:This final phase begins on Day 10 with the 12 mile ruck. Just like the 6 mile ruck, you are required to have certain equipment in your assault pack or on person. Make sure your red lens works prior to coming to the schoolhouse. As I mentioned before, this school focuses on attention to detail. Formation will be extremely early in the morning and expect to step off and begin no later than 0400. You will use the same route as you did for the 6 mile so you are already familiar with the area. Set a good pace and keep that pace for the duration of the ruck. I highly recommend hydrating more than you usually would 24 hours prior to the 12 mile. I went to Walmart and got a Pedialyte and drank it the night before and bought some electrolyte chews to eat during the ruck. Once you finish, you will drop your stuff in formation and if you're lucky enough to go TSAAS, there will be civilian chow trucks there with free food to munch on. After the 3 hour mark hits, those who passed will get into a formation where you will do another gear layout to make sure you had everything that was required for the 12 mile. You then get released to take a shower and change into a fresh uniform and boots and will come back and do a graduation practice and then graduate at 1000.

A few things to remember:

  • Attention to detail
  • If you go to TSAAS learn the Division Song
  • If it's not on the packing list, save yourself the trouble
  • Adhere to the packing list
  • Study hard for your end of phase testing
  • Practice hands-on stuff when you get home
  • Don't get any safety or integrity violations

Airborne School

Infantry Mortar Leader Course

They just moved the course from Olson Hall over to Sand Hill to be with the rest of the 1-19th. However, you will most likely be staying in Abrams Hall on main post. It's an IHG Army Hotel, you should be in a room by yourself with a TV, mini fridge and kitchenette. Sand Hill is something like 12 miles away. IMLC will provide a bus daily, but if there are enough people with personal vehicles willing to drive and carpool they will cancel the buses. You'll eat breakfast and lunch at the DFAC on Sand Hill with the privates in OSUT, so have fun with that. Don't talk to them or correct them. Dinner and meals on the weekends will be at the OCS DFAC on main post.

Your daily schedule will be PT at 6 or 630, usually at the gym but they may take you for a run or two. Class begins at 9, unless you are in the field that day (total of 2 or 3 days). Depending on what week and what classroom you are in, the days usually end around 1600 - 1700. Sometimes earlier, sometimes later. When you first get formed up on the first day, the first two ranks will go to A classroom and the next two will go to B classroom.

The first week is mechanical week or hill week. You will be working on small/large deflections, laying in a gun line with the M2 aiming circle, declinating the M2, bore sighting, etc. It is mainly for familiarization with the mortar system and components for the officers or those who haven't touched a gun in a while. At the end of the week you will be tested on declinating the M2 and setting up the aiming circle and reciprocal laying the section. Both are timed events, if you fail one you will be retrained and retested. If you fail a second time you go home. You should not fail this. You will also have a live fire this week with the 60mm, weather permitting.

The next two weeks will be FDC 1 and 2 with the plotting board. You will be in the classroom every day, so bring Monster or coffee to help you stay awake. The instructors are good and will give you everything you need to pass, but if you have a question ask it. You may have to help some of the officers who don't understand FDC and gun orders, filling out the computer's record etc., so help them out. At the end of week 2 you will be tested on FDC 1, this is where the majority of people fail and have to retrain/retest. At the end of week 3 you will take FDC 2, advanced missions using the plotting board. This test seemed more difficult to me even though the instructors say it's easier. YMMV.

The last two weeks will be LHMBC and MFCS, and both have their own exam. The classes go by quickly as everyone should have an understanding of FDC procedures at this point. The classes get pretty monotonous here but the exams are not difficult. The last week you will have the LFX, which will last all day and if you don't want to eat MRE's bring some lickies and chewies. We shot 81's and 120's. There are enough people in your class that the range should run quickly and smoothly. Watch the officers when they hang rounds so they don't blow their hands off.

You'll have nights and weekends off, so bring your golf clubs or your fishing pole if that's your thing. I played a few rounds of golf while I was down there, went to the gym almost every day, went out around Columbus, watched a few movies at the theater, and pretty much enjoyed the TDY. Bring a few sets of civilian clothes, civilian gym clothes, and bring lots of PT's so you don't have to wash your clothes every day. There are free laundry facilities at Abrams Hall, but you'll want to bring some Tide Pods so you don't have to buy detergent from the machine.

If you are looking for Commandant's list, you will need no less than a 97.5 average. The DHG had a 100 average and the HG had a 99.3 average. If you are good on the plotting board, the class will be a vacation. If not, spend those two weeks studying your ass off so you don't go home. Overall, we lost 4 students to FDC 1.

Pathfinder School

Ranger School

Tips and Tricks by /u/stormhornet

Jumpmaster School

/u/cherry_jumpmaster provided a fine write-up and ARR that can be found here

Reconnaissance and Surveillance Leaders Course

[Info Needed]

Sniper School

US Army Sniper School is a 7 week school taught at Fort Benning, GA. Subjects included are marksmanship with both the M110 SASS and M107 .50 cal, range estimation, target detection, and stalking. The reward for graduating the US Army Sniper School is a skill identifier of B4 added to the graduate's MOS. US Army Sniper School is open to the MOSs of 11B, 11C, 13F, 19D, and all 18 series. Other MOSs may attend but will not be awarded the B4 identifier.

by: /u/looney82

Aviation Life Support Equipment (ALSE) School

Special Forces

The United States Army Special Forces are experts in Foreign Internal Defense, Unconventional Warfare,Direct Action and Special Reconnaissance.

An SF team, or Operational Detachment-Alpha (ODA), is made up of twelve men:

1 18A - (CPT) Team Leader
1 180A - (CW2/3) Team XO
1 18Z - (E-8) Team Sergeant/Operations NCO
1 18F - (E-7) Intel NCO
2 18B - (E-5/6/7) Weapons Sergeant
2 18C - (E-5/6/7) Engineer Sergeant
2 18D - (E-5/6/7) Medical Sergeant
2 18E - (E-5/6/7) Communications Sergeant

18X Enlistment MOS [I'll write more on this later]


Training begins by attending Special Forces Assessment and Selection, either via 18X contract or through an SF recruiter for in-service candidates. SFAS consists of an AFPT, running,rucking, land navigation and team exercises. Passing times and scores are not openly available. At the end of SFAS selectees will be assigned a language and SF MOS. MOS is determined mainly byGT score and needs of the Regiment. Language is determined by DLAB score and needs of the Regiment.Selectees fill out a 'wish list' with their desired MOS and language, receiving your first choice for bothis common.

If selected at SFAS one will be allowed to attend the Special Forces Qualification Course. The SFQCconsists of six phases.

I. Introduction to Unconventional Warfare

Classroom and field instruction.

II. Special Operations Language Training

Six months of language training through the Special Operations Education Group at Fort Bragg. If you are able to score a 1/1 on the DLPT in a required language you may be able to skip this phase. Languages may include but are not limited to: French, Spanish, Indonesian, Russian, Chinese, Korean, Arabic, Farsi, and Pashto.

III. Tactical Common Skills

  • Small Unit Tactics
    Training in Squad and Platoon level combat operations. Read: Ranger Handbook.

  • Military Decision Making Process
    Higher level operations planning.

  • Advanced Special Operations
    Learn when you get there.

  • SERE
    Level-C Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape Training. Everyone must attend this course at Camp Mackall. If you have attended other SERE training i.e. at Fort Rucker or Fairchild AFBit will not be counted. You MUST do the SF course.


Training in your assigned 18 series MOS. A, B, C and E are three months. 18D is one year.

V. Robin Sage

Culmination unconventional warfare exercise.

VI. Graduation

Technically a 'phase,' but no real training is conducted.

Info as of DEC 2012. In JAN 2013 the Q Course changed; I'm not entirely sure how it goes right now, but the phases are the same, just the order is different.

Other resources:

Special Forces [Wikipedia]

18X []

By: /u/chrome1453

Special Forces and the National Guard

This comment thread contains all of the most immediate credible National Guard Special Forces information, albeit it is largely the same for both Active Duty and the National Guard.

By: /u/PrivateSnuffy

Sapper School

The Sapper Leader Course is a 28-day course, which is operated by the U.S. Army Engineer School at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, designed to train joint-service leaders in small unit tactics, leadership skills, and tactics required to perform as part of a combined arms team. The course is open to enlisted soldiers in the grades of E-4 and above, cadets, and officers O-3 (Army, captain) and below; however, current restrictions require an O-3 to receive a waiver from the Commandant of the Engineer school to attend. While the school was once open to any combat or combat support branch of the service, it is currently only open to 12A and 12Bs, or service equivalent. All other CMF 12 MOSs as well as 18C, 11B, and 19D must have an approved waiver from the Engineer Commandant to attend the course. Upon graduation and 'tabbing', the ASI S4 is gained.

Dating In Ait Army

All information can be found here:

Physical Fitness

Mountain Athlete list of Exercises and links to Demonstrations []

Land Navigation

FM 3-25.26 Map Reading and Land Navigation []


ACOG zeroing:



BLC is currently a 22 day professional development course. The Sergeants Major Academy is responsible for writing the program of instruction. It is conducted in multiple locations: BLC teaches young NCOs how to lead soldiers.

Fort Stewart

Stay-in course - You will live in 36 man, open-bay barracks that are technically on Fort Stewart, though not officially through the ID checking gate. You are providingfire guard and cleaning duties when not in classroom or STX exercises. You will be released on pass Fridays at 1700 until recall at 0500 Mondays. You will not receivenormal federal holidays, in other words you will work easter/thanksgiving ect. (with the exception of Xmas Exodus).

Leadership - Though it is a 'student-led course', you will have Small Group Leaders, or SGLs as instructors. These are all E-6s, mostly there to correct deficiencies orteach. Some may act like Drill SGTs while others are more relaxed. Students will be given mandatory leadership roles (graded) through-out the course. The only non-mandatoryroles (That you CAN get fired from, also graded in lieu of mandatory roles) are: Student 1SG- In charge of pseudo-1SG duties. Dissemination of information to student PSGs, morning formations, last for chow hall ect.Student PSG- Currently 6 platoons, each with a PSG. PSG is the student leader of his/her platoon and oversees most all cleaning duties performed and organizing formationsfor the entire platoon. May NOT fire their squad leaders.All other positions (coffee SGT, Barracks Boss, Water SGT ect.) are small jobs, not graded positions.

If you are not PSG or 1SG, you will be given 4-6 days of Squad leader duties. You will be graded on a multitude of things ranging from communication to authority.

Course Material- I'm not going to go through everything. Just imagine 350-1 training for EVERY MOS, into power point form. Yes. That boring.

STX - 3 days of playing Army infantry soldier from 0800-1700. No overnights. Included is a 2ish mile ruck, super easy land navigation course, and extremely basic tactics that willannoy all 11Bs due to simplicity. (It needs to cater to all MOSs, like Army band members, Intel, Signal, and Medical Nurse types)

Odd Rules - No cell-phone use ANYWHERE that is not a smoke area. You can get kicked out of the course with a negative 1059 for being caught TWICE on yourcellphone in your own BED! This includes using it as an alarm clock in the morning. Run or March everywhere! Run if in a group of 2 or less. March for 3-7. Split up marching for groups that are larger.Parade rest for student leadership. This includes if you are an E5 and your student PSG is E3. This will piss off a lot of the older E5s, but it is for a purpose. You shouldalready know how to be a sergeant and help out the future SGTs by showing them how to properly give (and receive!) respect. Now, for completely crossing lines, as in a 'Sergeant' PFC Snuffy attempting to chew out a real E5, you may make on the spot corrections, but 4856s hold no ground from you.No smoking of other soldiers. Period. Even if they deserve it.

[Please help with more information on FT Stewart's WLC!. End post from Macthe Attack]


Currently Regimental or MOS specific course. All 35 (Intel) series conduct ALC at Fort Huachuca, Arizona. Similarly, for all FA, ADA, and EWO, your NCOES will be at Ft. Sill, aviation (CMF 15) will be at Ft Rucker. This is the same for every other CMF (your branch). Infantry usually go to Ft Benning, they also attend Reserve and NG NCOES courses due to the amount of these personnel in the Army. [More Info Needed]


Currently Regimental or MOS specific course. All 35 (Intel) series conduct SLC at Fort Huachuca, Arizona. Similarly, for all FA, ADA, and EWO (CMF 13, 14, & 29), your NCOES will be at Ft. Sill, aviation (CMF 15) will be at Ft Rucker. This is the same for every other CMF (your branch). Infantry (CMF 11) usually go to Ft Benning, they also attend Reserve and NG NCOES courses due to the amount of these personnel in the Army. [More Info Needed]

Warrant Officer


WOCS is both an Initial Military Training course and a leadership course, conducted at Fort Rucker, AL. It is designed for everyone from street-to-seat candidates to 19-year TIS MSGs in a technical field to achieve a common foundation, which ends up being somewhere near the level of WLC/BLC. The course is 5 weeks at Fort Rucker, though some Reserve and National Guard schoolhouses teach the class over several months of weekend drills. A pilot program that puts all candidates through in five weeks is being tested in FY19. This pilot program also eliminates the distance learning phase for the five-week course.

The graded events include academic tests on Blackboard, an APFT, a 10k foot march, and land navigation. Non-graded events include inspections, writing assignments, a 5k foot march, additional duties, and various leadership assignments. The Reserve/Guard schoolhouses still include a distance learning portion on Blackboard.

Upon completion of WOCS, candidates are discharged from their enlisted contracts and appointed as Warrant Officers.

WO Advanced Course

This is a branch specific course, meaning wherever your branch's home is, your Advanced course is there. This means if you're FA or ADA, you go to Ft Sill, Aviation to Ft Rucker, Engineer go to FLW, and so on. The length of the course is dependent upon your branch as well.

WO Staff Course

WO Senior Staff Course



Engineer BOLC -


[Info Needed]

Correspondence Courses

[Info Needed]

Since this usually gets mentioned once a week or so. Let me get the tl:dr out of the way first: THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS AN AUTOMATIC PROMOTION.

But spesh-list, my recorder said, then my team leader said at 1 year I'd get PFC! Then at 2 I'd be a sham shield! And if I lost my dignity and kissed a lot of ass, I could get a waiver! The latter part is true, many degrade themselves for a waiver.

Now, for the 'automatic promotions.' There are none! Automatic implies that G-1 or whatever says PV2 Snuffy is at 12 months, make him a PFC. WRONG!

6 month TIS, 12 month TIS, and 24 month TIS are more or less a checkpoint in your career. Assuming you came in as a E-nothing/fuzzy, you should hit PV2, PFC, and SPC/PV4 (depending on unit), at those marks.

But guess what? Big Army doesn't just hand you the rank! Whenever someone is coming up on the list at one of these checkpoints, the list is created, and is received by your commanding officer, the captain of you're in a line unit like many here seem to be. He or she then essentially circles yes or no for each name for the promotion. And since they might not know you too personally, they usually decide on the advice of the 1SG you probably has Operations and PAC give him or her stuff like your PT card, weapons qual, etc. They may also ask your PSG if you're a good troop or a shit bag (crap work ethic, always late, etc).

So, it's not automatic! There is someone deciding if you'll get it. So for those this applies to, stop acting so damn entitled to a rank just cause you are hitting a milestone. Trust me, many faces of people who thought they were getting pinned a new rank on the 1st of the month get mad/sad real quick when they aren't up there when the PAC clerk is yelling 'Attention to orders!'

JLU is a free DoD run online language learning resource. Anyone can make an account, but you don't need an account to use the site.

EASY START: Click link above, go to 'Catalog' > 'Language Training' > Choose your desired language > Click 'Start' on the desired lesson. Note: you will need to allow pop-ups from the site for it to work properly.

GLOSS is a free Defense Language Institute run language learning center.

TO START: Click link above, select desired language > click 'Search Lessons' on bottom right of page > Click on desired lesson. Note: you way need to allow pop-ups for lesson content to work properly.

/u/lilchubber answers your finance questions here.

/u/Mr_wobbles dispenses valuable advice in his Rich Joe, Poor Joe series.
* TDY money tips.
* PCSing.
* Buying a car.

Understanding Your Leave and Earnings Statement (LES) []

2013 Active Duty Pay chart []


BAH stands for Basic Allowance for Housing, though it is also used for Overseas Housing Allowance (OHA) and Utility/Recurring Maintenance Allowance (they get lumped together into one dollar amount.) This is either:

If you live in the barracks, or in certain government owned quarters that are not public-private venture (PPV), you may not receive BAH. Those who live in PPV housing typically receive BAH, and have it deducted against the deductions section.


[Info Needed]

Servicemember Group Life Insurance

[Info Needed]

Thrift Savings Plan

[Info Needed]


GI Bill

Grad programs that can be fully covered with TA:

Angelo State University - $250 Per Semester Hour

Aspen University - $250 Per Semester Hour http://aspen.edu

Austin Peay State University - $250 Per Semester Hour

Florida Institute of Technology - $250 Per Semester Hour

Northern Arizona University - $250 Per Semester Hour

Troy University - $250 Per Semester Hour

University of Charleston - $250 Per Semester Hour

University of the Incarnate Word - $250 Per Semester Hour

University of Louisville - $250 Per Semester Hour

University of Management and Technology - $250 Per Semester Hour (National Accreditation)

Upper Iowa University - $250 Per Semester Hour

Waldorf University - $250 Per Semester Hour

Western Carolina University - $250 Per Semester Hour

Western Kentucky University – $250 Per Semester Hour

Arkansas State University - $257 Per Semester Hour

Central Michigan University - $327 to $550 Per Semester Hour spx?mktid=RD/Pages//tuition-discount.aspx

Columbia Southern University - $291 Per Semester Hour (National Accreditation)

Excelsior College - $295 Per Semester Hour

Fort Hays State University - $253.07 to $400

Liberty University - $275 Per Semester Hour

North Dakota State University - $309-675 Per Semester Hour


American Military University - $325 Per Semester Hour Oklahoma State University - $381.65 Per Semester Hour

Peru State College - $325 Per Semester Hour

Trident University International - $300 Per Semester Hour https://www.trident.edu

University of North Dakota - $360-12 to $674.23 Per Semester Hour

by /u/thecolorfreedomhere on 19SEP18.

Duty Station Thread Series

Megathread Series. Contains links to all individual threads with information and Q&As.

CONUS (Lower 48)

Fort Rucker, AL (Home of Aviation)

[Info Needed]

Redstone Arsenal, AL

[Info Needed]

Fort Huachuca, AZ (Home of M.I.)

[Info Needed]

Yuma Proving Ground, AZ

[Info Needed]

Fort Irwin (You poor bastard/NTC)

[Info Needed]

The Presidio of Monterey, CA (Home of DLI)

[Info Needed]

Fort Carson, CO (4th ID)

Fort Carson, Home of the 4th Infantry Division, is a beautiful base just south of Colorado Springs. Denver is an hour North depending on traffic. On base you have 1st SBCT and 3rd ABCT, while out in Wilderness you have 2nd IBCT.

Dating in ait army online

You have 3 roads that are used to access Fort Carson. 115 is the North-South running road to the West with Gates 2(O'Connell, Closed), 1(Nelson, Main Gate), 5(Titus, Hospital), and 6(Wilderness, 2IBCT Area). South Academy is the East-West running road to the North of Base with Gates 3(Chiles), Gate 4(Barkley). I-25 is the North-South running road to the East with Gates 20(McGrath) and 19.

As far as 2IBCT goes you have 6 Battalions. 1-12 Infantry, 2-12 Infantry, 1-41 Infantry, 3-61 Cav, 2-77 FA, 704 BSB, 52nd Engineer's.

Other units on post include 71st ORD GRP (EOD) and 10th SF(A).

In all honesty I don't have any love for this place. If you like outdoorsy stuff then you will enjoy your weekends. I have been in at Carson for a little over two years but I have actually only on station for about 8 months. Other than that I have been deployed or training. Hope this helps.

Fort McNair, DC

[Info Needed]

Fort Benning, GA (Maneuver Center of Excellence)

Fort Benning is primarily a TRADOC installation with the exception of 3rd Brigade, 3rd Infantry Division and members of the 75th Ranger Regiment. Fort Benning is located near the city of Columbus, GA and about an hour and a half south of Atlanta, GA. Previously known as the 'Home of the Infantry', it transitioned to the Maneuver Center of Excellence in 2011 with the BRAC realignment of the Armor School from Fort Knox, KY. Fort Benning now serves as the hub for the vast majority of the U.S. Army's fighting force, producing all Soldiers from the 11 and 19 CMF. Along with BLC, Benning hosts ALC, SLC, BOLC, and MCCC for all 11 and 19 series Soldiers. Fort Benning also includes a myriad of other schools ranging from Ranger, Armored Reconnaissance Course, Airborne, RSLC, etc. If it's cool, Benning probably has it. Fort Benning is also home to Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (WHINSEC) which is protested annually as controversial and the National Infantry Museum.

Fort Benning is split by distance into four smaller areas; main post, Sand Hill, Kelly Hill and Harmony Church. The main post area is the central hub for the post and contains the Garrison HQ, MCoE HQ, the Henry Caro NCO Academy and many other schools. Sand Hill is primarily for BCT and 11 series OSUT. Kelly Hill is the 3rd Brigade, 3 ID footprint where no one is allowed to drive during PT hours. Harmony Church, previously only for 4th RTB, now houses many of the 19 series schools.

The population surrounding the base is a surprisingly healthy mixture of active military, retirees, and civilians. Columbus State University is located approximately 10-15 minutes north on I-185. The school is large enough that it allows a decent amount of student influence in the local area. The downtown Columbus area or 'Uptown' has recently experienced effects of urban renewal and hosts many local shops and restaurants with many outdoor activities and festivals taking place along the main road or the Riverwalk located adjacent to it. Plentiful hunting is available, nearly year round, either on or off post. For those that prefer a more rural setting, Phenix City and it's surrounding communities are immediately across the river. Fair warning, they only have one Wal-Mart compared to Columbus' four and their internet service is terrible. Many of the apartment complexes boast plentiful amenities for outrageous rent, if you're permanent party, look into renting a house. Crime increases the closer you get to post. Generally anything southeast of exit 6 on I-185 is cheaper to rent but the crime rate is higher.

Fort Gordon, GA (Cyber Center of Excellence)

Fort Gordon is a TRADOC installation, once home of the Signal Corps, now the Cyber Center of Excellence. U.S. Army IET soldiers trying to qualify for a 25 series MOS will attend AIT here.

Policy Letter 17 governs AIT soldier restrictions, which can be found here.

If you're a (permanent party) signal soldier being stationed here, chances are you will NOT have a roommate. If you are a MI soldier being stationed here (and not working at the NSA) you will MOST likely have a roommate).

If you're raising a family, Evans, GA is regarded as one of the better parts of the surrounding area. Martinez is good as well. Grovetown has lots of military, which means traffic during PT/work hours and military neighbors. Avoid south Augusta, it's the hood.

Atlanta, GA is only a two hour drive away. Aiken, SC is only an hour drive away. Good places to go during a four day weekend.

Fort Stewart/Hunter AAF, GA

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Rock Island Arsenal, IL

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Fort Leavenworth, KS (Home of the Disciplinary Barracks, CGSC and the Combined Arms Center)

Ft Leavenworth is predominately a TRADOC post, CGSC and the CAC are the bulk of the TRADOC elements located on Leavenworth, the USDB has a couple of MP BNs that are the only MTOE elements on Leavenworth. Leavenworth is a small installation, located approx 30 min north of Kansas City and right on the Missouri River it is close to big city amenities while still avoiding most large city issues - like traffic (unless they're doing road construction outside the main gate, then you're screwed).

Leavenworth is close to many outdoor activities and runs a fairly extensive hunt program on post during KS deer season. On post there are three gyms, none of them very new but not in horrible condition. There is also an indoor pool and a skeet range, one of the regular ranges is also available on weekends for POW use. The PX has the normal selection of (bad) fast food, and the standard K-Mart atmosphere. Do not compare the Leavenworth PX to the PX complex on Ft Bliss, it's not even close. That said, I have seen worse.

The town of Leavenworth is immediately outside the main gate, it and the surrounding area are very military friendly. Lots of TYFYSs if you're running around in uniform. Outside of Leavenworth proper though, and Lansing to a degree, folks in the greater Kansas City area probably have little to no idea what you do in the Army. They just like to say thank you, 'cuz it's the midwest donchaknow.

Fort Riley, KS (1st ID)

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Fort Campbell, KY/TN (101st ABN)

Fort Campbell is home to the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) and 5th Special Forces Group. Although the majority of the post's land is located in TN, the post claims KY as it's post office is located in KY. The vast majority of the post's amenities are located within a 2-3 minute drive of the main gate, gate 4. This post is located approximately 45 minutes north of Nashville, TN. Fort Campbell shares it's borders with Hopkinsville and Oak Grove, KY and Clarksville, TN. Although it is cheaper to live in KY, Clarksville boasts an overall better quality of life for Soldiers living off post.

Fort Knox, KY (Home of HRC, Recruiting, Cadetland)

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Fort Polk, LA (You poor bastard/JRTC)

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Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD

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Fort Detrick, MD

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Fort Meade, MD

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Fort Devins/Natick ASSC, MA

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Fort Leonard Wood, MO (Home of the MPs, Chemical and Engineers)

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Fort Dix/JB MDL

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White Sands Missile Range, NM (See also: Fort Bliss)

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Fort Drum, NY (10th MTN)

If you are an outdoorsy person though you will have a hell of a time. Hunting and hiking is great out here, hell, you'll catch your turkey on your front lawn! Snow sports are alright too considering the 10th Mountain has no mountains. Watertown sucks and feels like a crack town but if I were to recommend one place it would be Crystals Diner in the square. Great food... Bar scene in the square is alright, driving down to Syracuse is a better option though. Going up to Canada or A Bay is another option for those that want to get away from this backwoods trash town. Just get away from Watertown if you get stationed here! Go to NYC, PA or something! Maggie's on the River is pretty good, they have like 33 beers on tap or something.

USMA/West Point, NY (Ring Knockers birthplace)

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Fort Bragg/Camp Mackall, NC (82nd ABN/JFK Special Warfare Center)

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Fort Sill, OK (FCoE)

OverviewMixed TRADOC and FORSCOM post. One of three Basic Training locations. All 13 and 14 series MOS training, to include AIT, NCOES, BOLC happens here, as does cross branch and cross nation training. Artillery fires constantly, you will learn to sleep with 155MM Howitzers going off constantly. Post has multiple gyms, a lake, two pools and self service automotive facility as well as the usual PX/Commissary, clothing and sales, etc.

LocationThe weather is hot and humid in summer, and cold and windy in winter. The post is in Southwestern Oklahoma, off I-44, and is co located with the city of Lawton, the third largest city in the state. There is an airport in Lawton with service to Dallas. It is an hour and a half from OKC and three hours from Dallas. Many Soldiers choose to spend their weekends at those locations, since Lawton has very little going for it. Other than Soldiers the inhabitants of Lawton either work on post, earn a living ripping off Solders,work at the Goodyear plant, or deal methamphetamine. The city has several bad (worse) areas and a few ok ones. You should check with the Chain of Command, NCOs, and other Soldiers before renting or buying a place. Beware of crime, in addition to the drug dealing, there are many burglaries (automotive and residential), plus the occasional(weekly) robbery/rape/stabbing/shooting. Gang activity and prostitution are also very common.

EntertainmentThe city has 2 Walmart's, a Target, a very small mall, a couple of movie theaters and more fast food than you can shake a stick at. There are a couple of chain restaurants and a decent Japanese steakhouse.The dating/social scene is pretty poor. There are a few bars (full of Soldiers cheating on their spouses and spouses cheating on their Soldiers) and gentlemen's clubs (staffed by Army wives), but none are very good. Make friends at your unit! If you're single and looking for a good time, your best bet is, oddly enough, fellow Soldiers. Almost anyone you meet who is not a Soldier is either a dependa, underage, an aspiring dependa, a stripper, a meth head or some combination of these. Outdoor activities are plentiful, there is a large wildlife refuge next to post, as well as numerous opportunities for hiking, fishing and hunting. In practice most Soldiers drink, work out, play video games, and hate life in various combinations.

Carlisle Barracks, PA

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Fort Buchanan, PR

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Fort Jackson, SC (POG training mecca)

Ft. Jackson is located right next to the capital of South Carolina, Columbia. The primary mission on Ft. Jackson is training soldiers, as all soldiers in processing are required to attend a basic training graduation, and one happens almost every week. Somewhere around 45,000 soldiers a year pass through Ft. Jackson being trained, a large, large majority of that being in basic training. If you're PCSing to Ft Jackson, bet on supporting that mission. The different brigades do mostly the same thing, namely, the 193rd and 165th are both for basic training. There is an AIT component, as well as Chaplain school, and some Navy kids. The constantly renamed garrison light BN is all about support. Ammo? message /u/kkronc for what you'll be doing. 88m? same. Medic? Get ready sit in an ambulance and treat heat casualties. Band? The band plays at every basic training graduation (aka once a week youre in ASU's) plus parades, and whatever the Post CG deems worthy of your time, and kicks down through SGM.

If you're going to be a DS, you'll be attending the DSA, or the DSS to everyone else. It'll suck. Like a lot. Your hours as a DS over the next 2 (or 3!) years will be long, hard, with no respite. Cycle breaks are a lie, and every new generation of soldiers is smaller, weaker, and dumber then those before it. Seriously, you will be spending 18+ hours a day, 6/7 days a week, especially during the summer months. DO NOT FUCK THE PRIVATES.

There are 4 main gates for entrance into Ft. Jackson. Gate 1, which used to be main gate a long time ago, goes into Ft. Jackson BLVD off post into a middling would be downtown in any other military town type area. Hours are 0500-2000 M-F, closed on weekends. south/southwest area. Gate 2, open 24/7, exit 12 off of RTE 77. AKA main gate. Straight out of the gate will bring you into a similar area, and eventually actual downtown/USC. Due West. Gate 4, exit 13 heading north off of RTE 77, or exit 15 from either direction, is open 0500-2000 M-F, and touted as the main gate for all the visiting families on Wednesday and Thursday. AVOID AT ALL COSTS, YOU WILL BE LATE. North/Northwest. The exit 13 area is the lower class sorta side of a military type town. Gate 5, off of Leesburg Rd, aka State Road 262, easily accessible from exit 9A/B off of RTE 77, open 0500-100 M-F, outbound only from 1600-1800 M-F, and weekends from 0500-2000. South side. Confused? Don't worry, the hours will get smaller. This area used to be bigger until 2 gates closed on either sides of it after 9/11. (Gates 3 and 9). There were other gates that closed after 9/11.

There is no 24/7 shoppette on base, plan accordingly.


The eastern half of the base is owned by SCARNG, and they have an entrance at the bottom right of the base, about 7 miles past gate 5 on Leesburg Rd. Just keep going.

99% of the base, and what you'll be doing is within 10 minutes of gate 2, unless you're SCARNG.

On post housing seems to be fairly normal base housing, nothing too crazy. Off post housing is hit or miss, rental companies aren't held to a terribly high standard.

Off post, the University of South Carolina is a major name school, with a big time feel for the national spotlight. ESPN visits there, you've actually heard of it, etc. The Gamecocks (it's a fucking rooster) is their big oversized bird mascot that everyone subtly makes fun of. It has almost every program you or your lovely spouse could want, and with orders you and/or your spouse will be granted in state tuition (thanks, Obama.) That being said its still crazy expensive. It is located within 20 minutes of main gate of Ft. Jackson and downtown. In recent years UoSC hasn't been as great, i.e. losing the fight over who's the real USC to a school founded 100 years after UoSC. or just SC. They can't figure it out.

Overall, Ft. Jackson/Cola is a nice middle sized base that can be TRADOC hell, due to people fucking privates. There are real towns within a few hours that people actually want to visit. Charleston, Asheville, Charlotte. There are actual good local breweries, and despite the next few sentences, Cola can be nice. Columbia is a retirement town that just took down the Confederate flag from atop the State House in 2015. It is squarely in the Bible Belt, largely fat and slow. The roads are atrocious and the drivers worse. The education system is very bad other than UoSC.

Fort Bliss, TX (1st AD)

Everything you want to do is at minimum a 20 minute drive. It's dry, it's cold, it's hot, and there's sand. It literally rains sand. Did you just wash your car? BOOM. SAND RAIN. There's places to go visit in and around El Paso, TX but you'll have to get with other soldiers that have been there a while to learn about them.

For your field training here, we have great big firing boxes to use, everything from flat and open for acres to big thorny hills of sand big enough to lose an LMTV in. And all these great miles of convoys at 25 MPH. Get used to sandstorms at a moment's notice.

The Wyler Aerial Tramway is a popular activity most people take advantage at least once. From the Ranger Peak, it is 5,632 feet above sea level, the visitor can enjoy the view of 7,000 square miles encompassing three states and two nations. The tramway ride is a memorable experience offering a vista of the vastness and stark beauty of the southwest.

The station at the top provides accessible ramps and paved grounds leading into an observation deck with a 360-degree view. Pay-per-view high power telescopes enhance the experience.

Fort Hood, TX (1st Cav, 'The Great Place')

Welcome to Texas! Fort Hood is the “Great Place”. It is the home of III Corps (Phantom Warriors) the 1st Cavalry Division, the 3rd Calvary Regiment, and several other “Separate Brigades”. The base itself is about an hour north of Austin, West and South of Waco, Three hours south of DFW, two hours north of San Antonio and about 4-5 hours Northwest of Houston.

POST: The post is huge. There are three primary cantonments (areas where units, personnel and equipment are housed). First (and where you are most likely to be) is Main Post, just north of US Highway 190 between Copperas Cove and Killeen. This is where the main tenants to base are, and the largest housing areas. It is “divided” into three main areas (not physically divided, but these three areas are mostly independent of each other operationally). First, the 1ST CAV area. All of the Brigades under the 1st CAV, the Division HQ’s itself, the NCOES and post schools area, the SRP site, the Welcome center and the 1st CAV Museum. Second, the “Separate Brigades” Area. This is where the Fires Brigade, the ADA Brigade, one of the two Airfields (Helo type), the old 4ID HQ’s (Now DIV WEST), 3 CR, the Engineer Brigade, the Chemical Brigade, the MP brigade and a smattering of other units are based. This side also has the Sports and home furnishings PX as well as the “R&R” Center (it has ACS classes and support stuff there as well as a Crossfit Gym and a cool little “Zen” garden area). The third part is the 13th ESC area. This is where the Sustainment assets for base are, as well as all of the 13th ESC’s subordinate units, the commissary, the new PX and DOL/CIF are. The III Corps HQ is in the middle of all three, closer to 13th ESC than any other HQ unit. Just to the south of III Corps is the post Hospital (new one under construction).

The Second Cantonment is West Fort Hood, or the Robert Grey Army airfield area. There is a separate brigade stationed here, the BfSB, as well as some smaller assets, aviation assets and Air Force types. The deployment airfield is here, with the runway being shared between base and the Airport It is the second largest part of base, but it is still quite a bit smaller than main post.

The third cantonment Is North fort hood. It is on the extreme north of the Training Area, nearer to George W Bush’s house than Killeen (the town is Gatesville). It is mostly used by Reserve and Guard units for training and whatnot, but some active duty folks use the area. On base housing has been improving as of late, but there are lots of old, crummy houses as well. Senior NCO’s and Company Grade officers can rely on getting a duplex type house in a newer area, while SSG’s and below will probably be stuck in the older housing areas. Barracks are generally Post-Vietnam types with doors facing to the outside, three levels stacked. Most rooms have shared bathrooms between two rooms, several common areas and common laundry areas. Many, if not all, of the barracks’ ground levels are unit administrative areas. However, the newer areas are getting away from this (especially the newest construction in the Engineer Brigade and ADA brigade areas). But, it all depends on where you are assigned, as the Aviation and ESC barracks are more like apartment complexes (I can’t speak on the room quality).

There are lots of gyms on post. Chances are, you are within half a kilometer of a gym at your unit area, or within a Kilometer from your on-post housing/barracks. Some of the gyms specialize (13th ESC has a special combatives area, while the one next to the Fires Brigade is a “Crossfit” gym. But there is plenty of areas to work out. Get used to running Battalion Avenue (the main street where most of the Battalions and Brigades are at), but there are some back-trails areas that are nice as well.The training area is about the size of Rhode Island. Well, maybe not that big, but close. There is every type of training area there, with lots and lots of cool MOUT villages. The ranges are plentiful, but with the abundance of units, be prepared for long wait times. The “Sportsman’s” range is ran by post, and if you come with your weapon early in the morning, they will qualify you instead of your unit having to run a range. Again, everyone uses it so come early. There is even a lake recreation area that you can park your boat at (for a fee) as well as chill on a “beach” or rent a cabin.

There are two PX’s on base. One is the “normal” PX that has the clothes and such; normal Wal-Mart type. It is on the west side of base (Clear Creek). A new one directly across the street is being built, hopefully an improvement. The Commissary is right next to this PX. The other PX, or the Warrior Way PX, is on the east side of base next to the Airfield. It specializes in Sports and home furnishings. There is another commissary here, but it is smaller.There are several gas stations on post, no real huge difference between them other than number of pumps. There are several food courts, one by the Warrior Way PX with Charlie’s, Anthony’s and Robin Hood, one by III Corps HQ with Captin’D’s fish and burger king, a Popeye’s near the NCO Academy (near 1CD HQ), a Pizza Hut next to 13th ESC HQs, and a food court at the Clear Creek PX. The Welcome Center has a Einstein bros bagels as well.

LOCAL AREA: It is a part of the Tri-City area of Copperas Cove, Killeen and Harker Heights. The area has a total population of around 200k, where at least half of them are in the Military or work on the Base. The community has most of the trappings of a large city, with a Mall, Car Dealerships, Multi-Plex movie theaters and the like. The night life is lacking (unless you like partying like a E-3 at the Holiday inn), but at only an hour away, Austin provides anything you can’t get from the Hood area.

There are plenty of restaurants in the area. They span the spectrum from normal establishments like Chilis (there is even one on base) to local establishments where you can get American to Vietnamese food and nearly anything in between. The mall is not so good, but there are many shopping centers in the area that have lots of shopping available.Off Base housing is reflective of a normal Texas suburb, with many cookie-cutter houses on the outskirts, some unique and very nice houses in very selected areas, and lots of downtrodden areas with run-down houses. There are several apartment complexes, nothing too special. Many NCO’s and Officers live in the Harker Heights area, as it is a newer development with large houses. Some live in Copperas Cove (not as modern as the Heights, but I liked the community more). Killeen spans the gap between the two, with some older housing and some very new housing to the south, nearer to the airport.

There are two major colleges in the area; Central Texas College provides lots of opportunities to get several technical degrees as well as Associates degrees and some Bachelors programs. The College is geared nearly exclusively towards the Military community, offering programs designed for Service members and their families. Recently, Texas A&M- Central Texas has started holding classes, offering more upper level (Junior and Senior) classes, as well as a limited offering of graduate programs (expect the offerings to grow as the university grows. The University of Mary-Harden Baylor is a private college in Belton (about thirty minutes away) that also provides military-focused opportunities at a reasonable cost.

My personal recommendations: Live on the west or north outskirts of Copperas Cove, or near Belton. They have just finished a north bypass for Copperas Cove, so the travel will be great, and the south bypass is nearly complete. Belton has a straight line in to Hood from the north through the training area, but WATCH OUT FOR COWS. My favorite place to eat was Plucker’s Wings, and my favorite place to grab lunch was Rudy’s BBQ. The movie theaters in the area are OK, but if you want a great movie experience, go to Austin and go to the Alamo Drafthouse. UT has plenty of girls (or guys, if you prefer), and 6th Street has a great bar scene, if that is what you like. Pro and College Teams in Texas are easy to get to, and chances are that MWR has a good deal on tickets. Lake Belton is great for boating, and coast fishing is only a few hours away. For the gamblers out there, a Major casino is only 4.5 hours to the north in Oklahoma. Texas is renowned for its hunting, and Fort Hood has a very structured program to hunt and fish on base.

Fort Sam Houston/Brooke AMC/JB San Antonio, TX (Home of the Medical Corps)

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Red River Army Depot, TX

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Camp Ethan Allen, VT

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Fort AP Hill, VA


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Fort Belvoir, VA

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Fort Eustis/JB LE, VA

If you want to go off post be prepared to spend dumb amounts of money on a taxi. They charge something like 2.10$ per mile. There's movie theaters and malls but other than that, not much

Fort Lee, VA (Logistics Mecca)

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Fort Myer/JB MHH, VA

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Fort Lewis, WA (2nd ID)

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OCONUS (Everywhere else)



Fort Greely

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Fort Wainwright

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Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson

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Fort Shafter/Tripler AMC (USARPAC)

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Schofield Barracks/Wheeler AAF (25th ID)

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Camp Zama

Cool but really small and low key. A lot of people get shitty in Machida most weekends; and if you're really into partying you go to Tokyo, specifically Roppongi where you're stuck until morning trains start because curfew is from 0100-0500. You can get anywhere by train so checking out Japan is really easy. If you try to drive it sucks. Getting 25 miles takes about 2 hours. Mount Fuji is nearby, along with suicide forest and the caves at it's base. Big Buddah and all types of other shrines and temples are close too. The food is the best part though. Sushi for $1 a plate and it kicks ass. Ramen is real big too.

If you want to have fun here then hit up Roppo just for the experience but don't make it consistent, go explore. Don't be a barracks hermit on the weekends. Be open to new food, I just had raw horse for the first time a couple months ago. Don't be a shit bag to the Japanese either. They are really polite and helpful, but don't take advantage of that.Also, avoid the massage girls; they promise a happy ending but they'll rob you blind.


Camp Carroll

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Camp Casey

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Camp Humphreys

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Camp Red Cloud

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Camp Stanley

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Rose Barracks

Home of the 2nd Cavalry Regiment, Rose Barracks offers dated accommodations compared to larger cantonment area located to it's north of Grafenwoehr. Rose Barracks is often commonly referred to as Vilseck. Vilseck is a actually a larger city located approximately 15 minutes southeast. Sorghuf is the village located immediately outside the installation. Rose Barracks offers a single screen movie theater that is open several days a week, a small food court, an aging commissary, and a furniture store. The housing areas are also dated but functional and undergoing small renovations to bring up the overall appeal. The training area is shared with another USAG Bavaria installation, Grafenwoehr which is home to elements of the 173rd Airborne. Rose Barracks has two fairly large cities located within 25-40 of the installation, Weiden and Amberg. It is located about two and a half hours east of Munich and about 1 hour west of the Czech Republic.



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Camp Darby

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Camp Bondsteel

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NATO Base in Kosovo. North of Camp Bondsteel. Pretty good DFAC. 1.4 Mile Perimeter which is pretty good for elevation training. There is a 'PX' with a Kosovo Bistro, German Tactical Shop, Little Kosovo Shop, Hair Cut Place, and a 'Tailored Suit Shop'. There is also the American PX which is more like an under glorified shoppette. If you really want a tailored suit you need to go to the Turkish Tailor outside of Film City. The one on CMLT is just a close to fit suit shop that isn't worth the money. There is a NATO Gym and an American Gym. And the housing are CHU's with either 1 or 2 man housing. Not a bad base, and not a bad deployment. GO1 still applies so it isn't like a dream deployment to Qatar. Hope this helps.

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Early Separation for School

/u/ColonelError provided a write-up of his experience which can be found here

Early Separation for Employment


MILPER (CAC Required):
ALARACT (CAC Required):

Step 1: Research and Plan

Read all of the MILPER and ALARACT messages that pertain to your situation.

Go to your Battalion S1 and Transition Office to ask for an example packet as well as any updated guidance. I say to go to the Transition Office because, even though your S1 may have some documents that they like to see, ultimately it is the Transition Office who processes your packet. Early Separation for Employment is considered a Chapter 16-7 separation, so if you need to whittle down who to speak with at Transitions start with the Chapter personnel.

Dating In Ait Army Online

Have a plan and know it well. Your Chain of Command is going to want to know why you’re getting out and exactly what you have planned. The last thing they want to do is to let loose a Soldier who they think is going to end up on the streets. This goes beyond what you need for your packet and often includes having a budget, knowing something about the job, and having a plan for your family. You will probably have to speak with your CoC about the packet, so make sure you are confident in your plans and know exactly what to say. In the end this is a Win/Win for both you and the Army, so make sure they understand.

Step 2: Put your packet together

This is where it comes in handy to have an example packet. I’m not sure if it differs by post or not, but I imagine each S1 is going to want to see something a little different. From here I will just tell you exactly what I used for my packet (Fort Carson).

  • 4187
  • Job Offer – With start date WITHIN 180 DAYS OF ETS and Salary
  • ETS DA31 (working copy) OR a No Leave Memo
  • Current SGLV
  • Current DD93
  • Current ERB
  • ANY Enlistment Contracts – Both your Initial/Reup and any NG/Reserve Contracts

Here is a picture of an example 4187:
Here is the remarks block I used:

Request 180 days early separation to accept employment, under ALARACT 340/2013, 10 USC Section 1171. My current Expiration Term of Service (ETS) date is DATE. Request early separation of DATE, with transition leave beginning DATE. My term of employment will begin immediately following my requested separation date.

JUSTIFICATION: In order to obtain an employment contract I must start no later than DATE @ EMPLOYER. If unable to separate early my employment contract will be terminated and no further contract will be discussed. This will cause personal hardship on me and my family because this is guaranteed employment for me after my ETS. I have attached my employment offer from EMPLOYER.

I am not mission essential to my assigned organization.

1. Job Offer
2. Initial Enlistment Contract
3. ERB
4. DD93
6. DA31

Step 3: Submit your packet

If your packet looks good to go, doesn’t have any spelling mistakes, and has all of the required documentation, it is time to submit it. I would recommend you get copies of the packet at almost every step of the way, so if it gets lost you have a copy to start off from again. Ask for a copy from your orderly room clerk once the Company Commander has signed off on it and get a copy from your Battalion S1 once your Battalion Commander has signed off on it. After that it is up to the Brigade commander, so there isn’t much you can do.

This step involves a lot of waiting, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be doing anything. The packet is fairly easy to keep track of when it’s still at the BN or below level, so it should be pretty easy to ask around and see where it’s at and if anything is holding it up. I would recommend scaling how often you annoy/ask about the packet depending on what level it’s at. If it’s being held up at the Company level, then I would ask about it every day. Once it’s at the Battalion level then maybe twice a week. If it’s at the Brigade level, then once a week to once every two weeks is probably best. This is a lot easier if you aren’t a jerk, so try to make some friends at S1.

This is also where your planning will pay off. Someone, and probably multiple people, in your CoC will want to speak with you about this. Make sure you can present yourself like an adult (e.g. Cut hair and clean uniform). You might also want to have some references in your back pocket depending on your work situation. If you work around a lot of officers or senior NCOs then see if one of them would be kind enough to speak to the CSM or CDR on your behalf.

Step 4: Prepare for Separation

Once your packet has been signed by the Brigade commander make sure you make 100 copies. You might also have to work with your S1 on getting the packet submitted to Transitions to get your orders cut. It would be helpful to take your signed packet and go down to the Transitions Office and find the person who cuts chapter orders. They will let you know if you need to do anything else.

After you have your orders cut you should go to SFL-TAP, JPPSO, CIF, and do your Labs and Phase 2 physical. Good luck!

Med Boarding

Brief introduction: MEB is different for each and every individual case, this guideline will assist you in speeding yours up or clarifying information you may have about your own information but this is in no way shape or form a solidified timeline for all MEB personnel. During your entire MEB process, you're going to need to be patient, there's (as of AUG 2016) no strict timeline anyone has as to when something is going to get done, whether that be you receiving your DA 199 or your IPEB fit or unfit letter. There is also a variation in speed and handling of cases between not only PEBLO's, but installations included as well as status (active, reserve, etc.) so please keep an open mind. This guide is going to start from when you get your P3 profile and you're referred to the MEB.

The first step: Referral

Regardless of condition if you're reading this, you've been recommended to the MEB for a condition (or more) you have which is deemed unfit for military service. During this step you're going to be contacted (most likely VIA phone) by someone from your instillation's Hospital to gather a bit of information from you. If you aren't don't worry, you may directly get a call from your PEBLO (Physical Evaluation Board Liaison Officer). As I mentioned, it varies post to post. Personally I was required to bring an updated copy of my ERB, my dental records and my most recent LES for my PEBLO to document. This step is very simple, it's most likely your consultation step, you'll arrange a meeting with the PEBLO who is assigned to you and you will go over the MEB process, take this time to ask any and every question you may have, bare in mind your PEBLO will have the knowledge you're seeking.

At this point you're going to be introduced to the Army's tracking system of your MEB, IDES. (Integrated Disability Evaluation System.) to access your IDES. log into your AKO, click on your medical readiness status, on the left there's going to be a My MEB/PEB tab, hover over it and click on the only click-able link it displays. This will take you to your IDES. The IDES is pretty self explanatory, it's going to not only track your timelines but also give you the current projected timelines of others going through the MEB process. It will tell you if you've went over or under their goal to finish the MEB and it will inform you how quick or slow it's going. Bare in mind it doesn't automatically update. It usually updates at 12:00AM ((0000 for you hooah's)) on Tuesday's.

The second step: VA Claims

On this step of the MEB process, you're going to sit down with a VA rep and discuss what you want to claim. YOU HAVE THE OPTION TO NOT MAKE A VA CLAIM. for example, if you per-say injured your wrist and that's the only thing you know is wrong with you, you can go ahead and not claim that through the VA, more than likely they won't let you. You'll be claiming it through the DoD and the VA will rate it, but you won't be getting a VA rating on your 199, you'll only get the DoD portion. I'm sure I may have lost you right there if you weren't fully aware of how the process unfolds but trust me, it will make sense. I advocate, by all means, to claim what you think is wrong with you and don't worry about 'short changing' the Army. Take care of yourself. After you annotate your claims, you'll sign a document and zoom on through this step, make sure to keep up with your progress through the IDES dashboard.

The third step: Medical Exams

Army Basic Training

This is where things can start to drag their feet. The timeliness of this solely matters on where you're located, how fast you're scheduled and the providers availability. The summation of this step is you're going to be scheduled to see a provider (more than likely civilian) to get a 'professional' write up of your medical condition. Depending on what you claim will also depend on how many of these appointments you have, you will more than likely get scheduled one solely to get a hearing check and then all of the follow ups after that are going to be for claimed conditions. These exams are there to prove legitimacy and severity of the claims. This is a very important step because the findings of these exams are what is going to be judged to see if you are fit and or unfit for military service so make sure you're on top of your shit when you go here.

The third step: Medical Evaluation Board

This step is where you're going to get to sit down with someone from the hospital on post and get a NARSUM (Narrative Summary) written up, this is the main document that the PEB is going to look at when determining the fit and unfit status of your case. The person writing the NARSUM is going to sit down with you and ask for a first hand story of how everything happened and how you accrued your injuries. This can also be done over the telephone (TELE-NARSUM) or you may not be contacted at all and it may just be written up by your PEBLO. After that's done your NARSUM is compiled and it's put into your MEB packet, what your PEBLO is going to send to the IPEB (Informal Physical Evaluation Board.) to determine fit status. Before that's done, you have the ability to read your NARSUM and NOTHING CAN HAPPEN until you sign the NARSUM saying you agree with the NARSUM's findings, etc. You can take this time to go see Legal and review the NARSUM with them and make sure everything is squared away, you have 48 to 72? Hours to get that done. Just bare in mind if you do that, it's obviously going to delay the process of it being sent up, but may be worth it in more lengthy cases.

TO BE CONTINUED.If you need any help, feel free to PM me,

Reserve Units

Finding a New Reserve Unit

Dating In Ait Army Youtube

Go to


Click on Tools

Go to Vacancy Search

Select TPU

Select Missouri and your MOS (note: You can also search by MOS series by just putting in the number. ex: 35 instead of 35F)

Hit Search

You can now see reserve units with open slots and the city they are located. The next part is finding the contact information if they phone number listed doesn't work or is out of date. A trick to do that is by finding the nearest Army Recruiting Station to the unit. Pull up Google maps and search 'Army' near the city where the unit is located. You should be able to find a recruitment center. Call and ask them if they can help you find the contact information or if they can put you in touch with the Army Reserve Reenlistment NCO at an Army Reserve Center.

Army Reserve Line of Duty (LOD)

Reference this Army Reserve LOD Brief

Soldier Responsibilities

  • Inform unit of medical condition that requires medical attention (in duty status).
  • Provide the appropriate medical documentation supporting diagnosis or provided treatment (private/civilian physician, VA, or MTF to Cdr) to unit.
  • Provide a DA Form 2173 with completed Section I to unit (must have the physician, PA, NP or Patient Administrator signature).
  • Provide a written release listing authorized personnel to obtain LOD related medical documentation from medical provider to unit (if unable to receive appropriate medical documentation required).

Unit Responsibilities

  • Register for access to LOD module (eMMPS)
  • Acting as Cdr representative, ensure a DA Form 2173 is sent with Soldier to medical treatment facility (Civilian, VA, or MTF)
  • Obtain/receive DA Form 2173 with Section I completed
  • Obtain/receive medical documentation from Soldier or Soldier’s authorization to release medical records relating to LOD medical condition
  • Initiate the Soldier’s LOD in the LOD module (eMMPS)
  • Upload complete LOD draft with all supporting documentation into the module and forward to the Unit Commander
  • If the Soldier will require follow-up medical treatment simultaneously draft, complete, and send a DHA-GL Worksheet 2

Commander Responsibilities

  • Priority: injured/ill Soldier receives medical care. Don’t hold up care for paperwork. Initial care does NOT require a DA 2173!
  • Review medical documentation and determine need for 2173 to be initiated
  • Review the LOD in the module thoroughly and CAC sign the LOD
  • REMEMBER: Unit Commander is only making a recommendation (block 31/32)
  • Fill out/sign/send DHA-GL worksheet 1 – if applicable (delegated)
  • Safeguard any and all medical documentation turned in to the unit by the Soldier
  • Commanders can delegate the signature of LOD’s to a unit rep (XO, 1SG, FTUS) but, if delegated to UA, the UA role must be performed by someone else in the unit.

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