What Well-off Means In Dating Site?

See full list on pairedlife.com. Transitioning from a dating app to texting can be tricky sometimes. It probably took some time to get your match's number, and when you finally do, you're probably eager to take things to the next. Nov 25, 2021 Anyway, I like dating attractive women but I can't lie, it seems like a lost cause. So I'm asking the women of LSA, besides just being an open wallet, what are some things a well off average looking man can do to win in this shallow dating game in 2021 where it seems like most women want the full package, looks, height, money, etc? As well, if you think that it’s okay to have a dating site profile active without your partner knowing it, it’s so messed up, and definitely a cause for rethinking your relationship altogether. There’s no good excuse to have a profile on a dating website, and not even if you’re thinking that it’s a good way to meet people or make friends.

BySarah DiGiulio

If online dating feels like an unsolvable puzzle in the search for “the one” (or whoever you’re looking for), you’re not alone.

Pew Research Center data has found that even though the number of people using online dating services is growing and the percentage of people who think it’s a good way of meeting people is growing — more than a third of the people who report being an online dater haven’t actually gone out with someone they’ve met online.

Online dating isn’t for the faint of heart or those easily discouraged, says Harry Reis, PhD, Professor of Psychology and Dean's Professor in Arts, Sciences, and Engineering, at University of Rochester. “There’s the old saying that you have to kiss a lot of frogs to find a prince — and I think that really applies to online dating.”

Reis studies social interactions and the factors that influence the quantity and closeness of our relationships. He coauthored a 2012 review article that analyzed how psychology can explain some of the online dating dynamics.

There’s the old saying that you have to kiss a lot of frogs to find a prince — and I think that really applies to online dating.

Meeting someone online is fundamentally different than meeting someone IRL

In some ways online dating is a different ballgame from meeting someone in real life — and in some ways it’s not. (Reis points out that “online dating” is actually somewhat of a misnomer. We use the term to mean “online meeting,” whether it’s through a dating website or a dating app.)

“You typically have information about them before you actually meet,” Reis says about people you meet online. You may have read a short profile or you may have had fairly extensive conversations via text or email.

And similarly, when you meet someone offline, you may know a lot of information about that person ahead of time (such as when you get set up by a friend) or you may know very little (if, let’s say, you go out with someone you met briefly at a bar).

“The idea behind online dating is not a novel idea,” says Lara Hallam, a researcher in the Department of Communication Studies at University of Antwerp, where she’s working on her PhD in relationship studies. (Her research currently focuses on online dating, including a study that found that age was the only reliable predictor of what made online daters more likely to actually meet up.)

“People have always used intermediaries such as mothers, friends, priests, or tribe members, to find a suitable partner,” Hallam says. Where online dating differs from methods that go farther back are the layers of anonymity involved.

If you meet someone via a friend or family member, just having that third-party connection is a way of helping validate certain characteristics about someone (physical appearance, values, personality traits, and so on).

A friend may not necessarily get it right, but they’re still setting you up with someone they think you’ll like, Hallam says. “Online daters remain online strangers up until the moment they decide to meet offline.”


When it comes to relationships, some things do need to be done the old-fashioned way

And there are certain things about a person and a potential partner that you just can’t find out from a profile or chatting online, Reis adds: Do you communicate well? Do you make one another laugh? Do you enjoy one another’s company? Do you feel like you’re a better person when you’re with the other person?

“Those things that really matter when it comes to making a relationship work are simply not available in a profile,” Reis says. (Study after psychological study support that those types of principles are important in relationships, and are predictors of relationship success, he notes.)

Online dating is a way to open doors to meet and date people, Reis says. And one thing the apps and sites have going for them is that ability to simply help you meet more people.

I figured out the secret to dating in a digital world

April 30, 201802:51

So, what’s the best way to use dating sites and apps to actually meet more people?

While there are limited clinical studies that have specifically analyzed online dating outcomes, there’s decades of research on why relationships work out and what drives people together in the first place.

“Most of what we can say about online dating from research is really more extrapolating from other kinds of studies,” Reis says.

Sameer Chaudhry, MD, an internist at the University of North Texas in Dallas, coauthored a 2015 BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine paper for which he and his coauthor considered nearly 4,000 studies across psychology, sociology, neurocognitive science, and other disciplines to come up with a series of guidelines for how to set up a profile, how to select matches, and how to approach online interactions.

Setting up a dating profile a certain way is by no means a guarantee for meeting the love of your life. But Chaudhry’s findings do offer some pointers on how to share information about yourself and how decide who to take a chance on. “There are small subtleties that can help,” he says.

Here are a few tips:

1. Pick your apps wisely

Online dating isn’t one of those see-all-of-your-options-and-then-make-a-decision games. Be selective. Some apps have a reputation for being hookup apps; others are designed to connect users of the same religion or some other shared hobby or attribute. “Use apps according to your partner preferences,” Hallam says.

2. Be honest

Research shows that people tend to fall for people similar to themselves when it comes to things like relationship history, desire for children, pet preferences, and religion. Being honest about what you want and who you are makes it more likely that the people you end up talking to and meeting are people things might work out with, Hallam says.

“This is an opportunity to be clear about who you are and who you want to meet,” adds Keely Kolmes, PsyD, a San Francisco- and Oakland-based psychologist — and if you have a “deal breaker” issue, mentioning it upfront can safe a lot of time and effort.

3. Choose a photo that puts your best foot forward (or at least the one you want to show off)

Photos should accurately depict your physical appearance — but they should be photos you generally like, Hallam says.

Having never met this person before, photos can have a big bearing on likeability and someone’s initial attitude toward you, Chaudhry says. Specific attributes that generally increase attractiveness and likeability, according to his research, were: a genuine smile (one that makes your eyes start to crinkle up) and a slight head tilt.

4. Get to the point — and DO include what makes you interesting in your profile

Nobody’s going to read a six-paragraph essay, Reis says. People swipe through profiles quickly. State things that are really important to you and be done with it.

DO include what’s distinctive about you. People tend to be interested in interesting people. And DO include what you’re looking for in a potential match, Chaudhry says — an ideal balance is 70 percent about you, and 30 percent about the person you’re looking for, according to his research.

5. Be open minded

Just because someone isn’t a runner or has a hobby you’re not so sure about, don’t give up on them, Reis says. “Try to be as open minded as possible to the idea that you could actually grow in new ways from someone you might meet online.”

(Remember that personal growth is one of those hallmarks that tends to make long-term relationships work.)

6. Keep conversations (somewhat) short and non-generic

There are certain aspects of a relationship you’re never going to be able to gather from online interactions alone, Reis says. He suggests not drawing out the pre-face-to-face meeting for too long.

Chaudhry says his research suggests keeping online, pre-meeting exchanges to two weeks or shorter. And actually make an effort to get to know someone. Ask about a specific part of someone’s profile or about likes and dislikes, Chaudhry says.

7. Have fun

“Using dating apps should be fun,” Kolmes says. It shouldn’t feel like work.

Kolmes suggests checking in with yourself regularly. “If it’s feeling like a chore, you’re not enjoying yourself, or you are feeling bad about yourself, then take a break and try something else.”

Don't miss: Got swiping fatigue? 'Slow dating' is for busy people who want real connections

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Marriage therapist Jennifer Chappell Marsh hasn’t been single in roughly 10 years. To put that in perspective, Tinder wouldn’t be created for another two years. The online dating app landscape was considerably different back then, with sites like OkCupid and Match.com appealing to some daters, but certainly not the masses. (The “You’re online dating? But why, you’re such a catch!” sentiment was all too common.)

Today, she knows, things are much different. In spite of being out of the game for a decade, Chappell Marsh is familiar with the struggles inherent in dating app use, thanks to her single clients. If you’re in therapy and on a dating app, your therapist goes along for the ride, too.

“The stress of online dating is a hot topic in therapy,” she said. “To help my clients, I’ve had to learn from them and do my own research to understand online dating norms and terminology. Now I’ll regularly quiz my single friends and colleagues so I’m in the know about new apps and all the terms ― sliding into DMs, ghosting.”

Below, Chappell Marsh and other therapists discuss the most common app-related annoyances they hear about from their clients.

1. Being on dating apps feels like a part-time job

To cast a wide net, many singles have profiles on multiple dating apps, with multiple conversations going on with many people at any given time. Monitoring matches, swiping on profile after profile and sharing good banter with people of interest takes a lot of mental energy. Many singles say that “running” their dating lives feels almost like a part-time job, Bay Area psychologist Kelifern Pomeranz told HuffPost.

“Similarly, clients sometimes express regret that they’ll spend an entire evening messaging someone just to pass the time with no real intention of actually meeting up IRL,” she said. “Or, they find themselves engaged in a fun and flirty message exchange and then are confused when they are subsequently ghosted.”

The solution to dating app burnout isn’t necessarily to get off them entirely (though, of course, that’s always an option): What Pomeranz advises instead is to restrict the amount of time spent on online dating apps. Maybe that means 20 minutes per day, maybe it means an hour you carve out every week.

“If it still feels overwhelming, disappointing or time-consuming, take a more significant break,” she said. “Use that time to try new activities and interests: sign up for a dance class, join a hiking club, go to a Meetup where there’s an opportunity to make connections offline.”

2. We started chatting and then there was radio silence

Back in the day, romantic rejection from strangers was mostly restricted to the bar and other places where singles congregate. Today’s singles have to deal with a one-two punch of rejection: They get rejected in person and on the apps, said Marie Land, a therapist in Washington, D.C.

“Dating apps give a tremendous amount of opportunity for people to feel rejected before they even meet someone,” she said.

Land tells her clients to stay cautiously optimistic but not too invested in the people in their DMs.

“Although there are many real people on dating apps looking for what you are, that doesn’t mean they are going to see you as a real person until you meet them face to face,” she said. “You have to remind yourself of that: If you’re not even totally real, why feel rejected?”

It can be head-scratching to go on first date after first date but never seem to establish anything beyond that. In therapy, it leads people to wonder, “Why do I keep attracting the wrong type of person? Is it me?”

Often, the problem lies in how clients are portraying themselves on dating apps, said Chappell Marsh. How you package yourself on dating apps matters: Are your responses to the questions on Hinge true to who you are? Are you coming off as someone who wants to have a good time when in actuality, you’re looking for something more serious?

Giving your profile a close read can be a game changer, Chappell Marsh said.

“In many cases, I find that the client isn’t accurately portraying themselves,” she said. “The most common example of this is a client who really wants to find love but gives off the message that they’re treating dating casually. Other times, insecurity will show through a profile picture wearing sunglasses or a sarcastic tag line that’s trying too hard.”

Being authentic, the therapist said, is “the key to matching with like-minded dates.”

4. First dates feel like interviews, and no one lives up to their profile (or my expectations)

A common complaint among singles is that the experience of online dating feels “fake” ― and when a match does make it past the preliminary, messaging phase, the meetup is often a letdown, said Liz Higgins, a therapist and the founder of Millennial Life Counseling in Dallas.

“A lot of my clients say first dates often feel like an interview,” she said. “And for clients I talk to who seem to be in a mature stage of readiness to be in a long-term relationship, there’s often feedback that they have to wade through a lot of ‘crap’ to land a person who seems worth conversing with or meeting.”

Though Higgins said she doesn’t necessarily have a solution for this issue, she sometimes wishes her clients would adopt a two or three date minimum before ruling out a promising match completely.

Many singles are looking for rom com-esque sparks right off the bat. After spending days or weeks texting, the thinking goes, why isn’t the banter or connection the same in real life?

That’s the expectation, Land said, but the reality is, “a connection must be nurtured and developed, and you probably won’t get a full scope or idea of a person’s true character ― which is what you should be looking for in a person if you’re serious about being in a committed relationship ― after one or two hours together.”

Yes, you can get a sense of someone’s personality, values and whether there’s chemistry within an hour or so. But if you’re on the fence about someone, a second date “will give you a clearer idea of them since those initial nerves are more subdued.”

In the Bay Area, Pomeranz says gay male clients complain about the online dating world being “overly harsh, superficial, status-focused, and isolating, with a focus on quick hook-ups rather than deep connection.”

“Online dating as a gay male is particularly difficult for those men whose bodies do not look a specific way,” she said. “All of this can take a toll on an individual’s well-being and self-esteem.”

Pomeranz tells them ― or any other client who brings this issue up ― that who we are attracted to in the real world is often different from the idealized version that we seek online.

“Sometimes, it pays to get off the apps and join local LGBT-friendly groups where you can meet others in person,” she said.

Land says clients in Washington, D.C., often complain it seems like the dating pool is drying up. Land reminds them that in Washington ― as in most big cities ― there are always people moving in and logging onto the apps. In other words, don’t sweat it too much.

And depending on the app, you may be able to set your preferences to another location.

“If you’ve been on dating apps in a certain neighborhood for three years, why not set your radius or even primary location to be slightly outside your area?” Land said. “Try to tap into new dating pools. If you really want to meet someone, meeting halfway via Metro shouldn’t be that big of a deal.”


What if everyone's tombstone was just what was on their Tinder profile?
Here lies
Megan, 29
Not looking for a hookup

— Brent Black (@brentalfloss) July 10, 2016nn','type':'tweet','common':{'id':'5ad7b14fe4b029ebe020a16f','caption':','credit':','creditUrl':','source':'

What if everyone's tombstone was just what was on their Tinder profile?
Here lies
Megan, 29
Not looking for a hookup

— Brent Black (@brentalfloss) July 10, 2016nn','thumbnail':{'url':{'url':'http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/961699690420101122/DSHjOt3O_normal.jpg','type':'externalUrl'}},'title':','type':'tweet','meta':{'url':'https://twitter.com/brentalfloss/status/752158375853510656','type':'rich','version':'1.0','title':'Brent Black on Twitter','author':'Brent Black','author_url':'https://twitter.com/brentalfloss','provider_name':'Twitter','description':'What if everyone's tombstone was just what was on their Tinder profile?Here liesMegan, 29Not looking for a hookup— Brent Black (@brentalfloss) July 10, 2016nn','cache_age':86400},'summary':null,'badge':null},'provider':'twitter'},{'embedData':'

tinder but to meet guys willing to share their hbo go password

— Anna Fitzpatrick (@bananafitz) March 7, 2017nn','type':'tweet','common':{'id':'5ad7b3cee4b0e4d0715ce893','caption':','credit':','creditUrl':','source':'

tinder but to meet guys willing to share their hbo go password

— Anna Fitzpatrick (@bananafitz) March 7, 2017nn','thumbnail':{'url':{'url':'http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/928700261132111895/xbZ2rm6I_normal.jpg','type':'externalUrl'}},'title':','type':'tweet','meta':{'url':'https://twitter.com/bananafitz/status/838918061805694976','type':'rich','version':'1.0','title':'Anna Fitzpatrick on Twitter','author':'Anna Fitzpatrick','author_url':'https://twitter.com/bananafitz','provider_name':'Twitter','description':'tinder but to meet guys willing to share their hbo go password— Anna Fitzpatrick (@bananafitz) March 7, 2017nn','cache_age':86400},'summary':null,'badge':null},'provider':'twitter'},{'embedData':'

me getting a match on tinder vs. me getting a message pic.twitter.com/a99jM1Pnhd

— weed and disappointment (@ehjovan) April 17, 2018nn','type':'tweet','common':{'id':'5ad7b127e4b0e4d0715ce6ab','caption':','credit':','creditUrl':','source':'

me getting a match on tinder vs. me getting a message pic.twitter.com/a99jM1Pnhd

— weed and disappointment (@ehjovan) April 17, 2018nn','thumbnail':{'url':{'url':'http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/982827041648148480/AZtns-RV_normal.jpg','type':'externalUrl'}},'title':','type':'tweet','meta':{'url':'https://twitter.com/ehjovan/status/986324324318633984','type':'rich','version':'1.0','title':'weed and disappointment on Twitter','author':'weed and disappointment','author_url':'https://twitter.com/ehjovan','provider_name':'Twitter','description':'me getting a match on tinder vs. me getting a message pic.twitter.com/a99jM1Pnhd— weed and disappointment (@ehjovan) April 17, 2018nn','cache_age':86400},'summary':null,'badge':null},'provider':'twitter'},{'embedData':'

Did you know that tinder deletes your account if you don't mention you like hiking or dogs in your bio

What Dating Sites Work

— Siri (@sirisantor) January 17, 2018nn','type':'tweet','common':{'id':'5ad7b536e4b029ebe020a3ee','caption':','credit':','creditUrl':','source':'

Did you know that tinder deletes your account if you don't mention you like hiking or dogs in your bio

— Siri (@sirisantor) January 17, 2018nn','thumbnail':{'url':{'url':'http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/955357709737447424/RuAvb7uE_normal.jpg','type':'externalUrl'}},'title':','type':'tweet','meta':{'url':'https://twitter.com/sirisantor/status/953471739505229824','type':'rich','version':'1.0','title':'Siri on Twitter','author':'Siri','author_url':'https://twitter.com/sirisantor','provider_name':'Twitter','description':'Did you know that tinder deletes your account if you don't mention you like hiking or dogs in your bio— Siri (@sirisantor) January 17, 2018nn','cache_age':86400},'summary':null,'badge':null},'provider':'twitter'},{'embedData':'

*finds soulmate*
*swipes left in hopes of finding a hotter soulmate*

— DaddyJew (@DaddyJew) January 21, 2015nn','type':'tweet','common':{'id':'5ad7b404e4b03c426daaef4e','caption':','credit':','creditUrl':','source':'

*finds soulmate*
*swipes left in hopes of finding a hotter soulmate*

— DaddyJew (@DaddyJew) January 21, 2015nn','thumbnail':{'url':{'url':'http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/2909425612/6865a19d0c877d0b723679fd75df430a_normal.jpeg','type':'externalUrl'}},'title':','type':'tweet','meta':{'url':'https://twitter.com/DaddyJew/status/557950825478492160','type':'rich','version':'1.0','title':'DaddyJew on Twitter','author':'DaddyJew','author_url':'https://twitter.com/DaddyJew','provider_name':'Twitter','description':'*finds soulmate**swipes left in hopes of finding a hotter soulmate*— DaddyJew (@DaddyJew) January 21, 2015nn','cache_age':86400},'summary':null,'badge':null},'provider':'twitter'},{'embedData':'

Everyone tinder with a tough mudder pic just looks like they are very proud of themselves for rolling in diarrhea.

— Ariel Dumas (@ArielDumas) January 24, 2017nn','type':'tweet','common':{'id':'5ad7b127e4b0e4d0715ce6a7','caption':','credit':','creditUrl':','source':'

Everyone tinder with a tough mudder pic just looks like they are very proud of themselves for rolling in diarrhea.

— Ariel Dumas (@ArielDumas) January 24, 2017nn','thumbnail':{'url':{'url':'http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/931621977005031424/jgnGMkbO_normal.jpg','type':'externalUrl'}},'title':','type':'tweet','meta':{'url':'https://twitter.com/ArielDumas/status/823775479685672960','type':'rich','version':'1.0','title':'Ariel Dumas on Twitter','author':'Ariel Dumas','author_url':'https://twitter.com/ArielDumas','provider_name':'Twitter','description':'Everyone tinder with a tough mudder pic just looks like they are very proud of themselves for rolling in diarrhea.— Ariel Dumas (@ArielDumas) January 24, 2017nn','cache_age':86400},'summary':null,'badge':null},'provider':'twitter'},{'embedData':'

Tinder is actually an extremely good app because it makes me so tired of men that I actually don't want to date one

— Will Kellogg (@Will_Kellogg) April 16, 2018nn','type':'tweet','common':{'id':'5ad7b127e4b0e4d0715ce6a9','caption':','credit':','creditUrl':','source':'

Tinder is actually an extremely good app because it makes me so tired of men that I actually don't want to date one

— Will Kellogg (@Will_Kellogg) April 16, 2018nn','thumbnail':{'url':{'url':'https://img.huffingtonpost.com/asset/ss-default-tweet.png','type':'externalUrl'}},'title':','type':'tweet','meta':{'url':'https://twitter.com/Will_Kellogg/status/985951191665397760','type':'rich','version':'1.0','title':'Will Kellogg on Twitter','author':'Will Kellogg','author_url':'https://twitter.com/Will_Kellogg','provider_name':'Twitter','description':'Tinder is actually an extremely good app because it makes me so tired of men that I actually don't want to date one— Will Kellogg (@Will_Kellogg) April 16, 2018nn','cache_age':86400},'summary':null,'badge':null},'provider':'twitter'},{'embedData':'

i just saw that starbucks started selling a blonde flat white, which coincidentally is also my tinder bio

— erin archbold (@erinarchbold) January 21, 2018nn','type':'tweet','common':{'id':'5ad7b25ae4b03c426daaee2d','caption':','credit':','creditUrl':','source':'

i just saw that starbucks started selling a blonde flat white, which coincidentally is also my tinder bio

— erin archbold (@erinarchbold) January 21, 2018nn','thumbnail':{'url':{'url':'http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/970897215706320897/CBb8xkZC_normal.jpg','type':'externalUrl'}},'title':','type':'tweet','meta':{'url':'https://twitter.com/erinarchbold/status/955189015371804672','type':'rich','version':'1.0','title':'erin archbold on Twitter','author':'erin archbold','author_url':'https://twitter.com/erinarchbold','provider_name':'Twitter','description':'i just saw that starbucks started selling a blonde flat white, which coincidentally is also my tinder bio— erin archbold (@erinarchbold) January 21, 2018nn','cache_age':86400},'summary':null,'badge':null},'provider':'twitter'},{'embedData':'

help a boy on tinder just said he’s going hiking and for some reason I replied “oh fun, where do you go around here?” and now he thinks I enjoy hiking

— Danny Nett (@dannynett) April 8, 2018nn','type':'tweet','common':{'id':'5ad7b139e4b03c426daaed6f','caption':','credit':','creditUrl':','source':'

help a boy on tinder just said he’s going hiking and for some reason I replied “oh fun, where do you go around here?” and now he thinks I enjoy hiking

— Danny Nett (@dannynett) April 8, 2018nn','thumbnail':{'url':{'url':'http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/872105585478651904/N0RQRtfJ_normal.jpg','type':'externalUrl'}},'title':','type':'tweet','meta':{'url':'https://twitter.com/dannynett/status/982800912061214720','type':'rich','version':'1.0','title':'Danny Nett on Twitter','author':'Danny Nett','author_url':'https://twitter.com/dannynett','provider_name':'Twitter','description':'help a boy on tinder just said he’s going hiking and for some reason I replied “oh fun, where do you go around here?” and now he thinks I enjoy hiking— Danny Nett (@dannynett) April 8, 2018nn','cache_age':86400},'summary':null,'badge':null},'provider':'twitter'},{'embedData':'

Thinking of becoming one of those guys who puts a picture of them with someone else's kid in their Tinder profile & includes an explanation of whose kid it is instead of just taking a new pic that doesn't have a random little kid

— Hot Take Appreciator (@IHateNYT) February 21, 2018nn','type':'tweet','common':{'id':'5ad7b127e4b0e4d0715ce6aa','caption':','credit':','creditUrl':','source':'

Thinking of becoming one of those guys who puts a picture of them with someone else's kid in their Tinder profile & includes an explanation of whose kid it is instead of just taking a new pic that doesn't have a random little kid

— Hot Take Appreciator (@IHateNYT) February 21, 2018nn','thumbnail':{'url':{'url':'http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/821960247799521280/gtlZLNvW_normal.jpg','type':'externalUrl'}},'title':','type':'tweet','meta':{'url':'https://twitter.com/IHateNYT/status/966456561504792576','type':'rich','version':'1.0','title':'Hot Take Appreciator on Twitter','author':'Hot Take Appreciator','author_url':'https://twitter.com/IHateNYT','provider_name':'Twitter','description':'Thinking of becoming one of those guys who puts a picture of them with someone else's kid in their Tinder profile & includes an explanation of whose kid it is instead of just taking a new pic that doesn't have a random little kid— Hot Take Appreciator (@IHateNYT) February 21, 2018nn','cache_age':86400},'summary':null,'badge':null},'provider':'twitter'},{'embedData':'

I keep this photo saved on my phone for whenever guys from a Tinder ask me to send them a nude. pic.twitter.com/Q3WSTOmWGD

— Sarah Mirk (@sarahmirk) March 3, 2017nn','type':'tweet','common':{'id':'5ad7b3fbe4b029ebe020a34b','caption':','credit':','creditUrl':','source':'

I keep this photo saved on my phone for whenever guys from a Tinder ask me to send them a nude. pic.twitter.com/Q3WSTOmWGD

— Sarah Mirk (@sarahmirk) March 3, 2017nn','thumbnail':{'url':{'url':'http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/682472940290441216/gh6iVqX8_normal.jpg','type':'externalUrl'}},'title':','type':'tweet','meta':{'url':'https://twitter.com/sarahmirk/status/837803107958591488','type':'rich','version':'1.0','title':'Sarah Mirk on Twitter','author':'Sarah Mirk','author_url':'https://twitter.com/sarahmirk','provider_name':'Twitter','description':'I keep this photo saved on my phone for whenever guys from a Tinder ask me to send them a nude. pic.twitter.com/Q3WSTOmWGD— Sarah Mirk (@sarahmirk) March 3, 2017nn','thumbnail_url':'https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C6B5eR3XMAAUpFI.jpg:large','thumbnail_width':2048,'thumbnail_height':2048,'cache_age':86400},'summary':null,'badge':null},'provider':'twitter'},{'embedData':'

just re-downloaded tinder because I wanted to meet someone who's fluent in sarcasm

— chris payne (@cpayneonaplane) February 23, 2018nn','type':'tweet','common':{'id':'5ad7b2e1e4b029ebe020a251','caption':','credit':','creditUrl':','source':'

just re-downloaded tinder because I wanted to meet someone who's fluent in sarcasm

— chris payne (@cpayneonaplane) February 23, 2018nn','thumbnail':{'url':{'url':'http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/806252464185950208/taepyveF_normal.jpg','type':'externalUrl'}},'title':','type':'tweet','meta':{'url':'https://twitter.com/cpayneonaplane/status/967068262038233090','type':'rich','version':'1.0','title':'chris payne on Twitter','author':'chris payne','author_url':'https://twitter.com/cpayneonaplane','provider_name':'Twitter','description':'just re-downloaded tinder because I wanted to meet someone who's fluent in sarcasm— chris payne (@cpayneonaplane) February 23, 2018nn','cache_age':86400},'summary':null,'badge':null},'provider':'twitter'},{'embedData':'

haven’t opened tinder for a bit and thought to myself “well they’ve probably restocked their inventory” modern dating is hell

— Brandy Jensen (@BrandyLJensen) April 15, 2018nn','type':'tweet','common':{'id':'5ad7b4c9e4b0e4d0715ce8f2','caption':','credit':','creditUrl':','source':'

haven’t opened tinder for a bit and thought to myself “well they’ve probably restocked their inventory” modern dating is hell

— Brandy Jensen (@BrandyLJensen) April 15, 2018nn','thumbnail':{'url':{'url':'http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/947624268229218304/LWP2_-Zy_normal.jpg','type':'externalUrl'}},'title':','type':'tweet','meta':{'url':'https://twitter.com/BrandyLJensen/status/985549187747074050','type':'rich','version':'1.0','title':'Brandy Jensen on Twitter','author':'Brandy Jensen','author_url':'https://twitter.com/BrandyLJensen','provider_name':'Twitter','description':'haven’t opened tinder for a bit and thought to myself “well they’ve probably restocked their inventory” modern dating is hell— Brandy Jensen (@BrandyLJensen) April 15, 2018nn','cache_age':86400},'summary':null,'badge':null},'provider':'twitter'},{'embedData':'

I made a Tinder Bingo game. pic.twitter.com/mvb4AmzoXT

— dream ghoul (@TheDreamGhoul) November 22, 2015nn','type':'tweet','common':{'id':'5ad7b56ce4b029ebe020a42b','caption':','credit':','creditUrl':','source':'

I made a Tinder Bingo game. pic.twitter.com/mvb4AmzoXT

— dream ghoul (@TheDreamGhoul) November 22, 2015nn','thumbnail':{'url':{'url':'http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/983820454061330432/LPPGOqQM_normal.jpg','type':'externalUrl'}},'title':','type':'tweet','meta':{'url':'https://twitter.com/TheDreamGhoul/status/668500294599180288','type':'rich','version':'1.0','title':'dream ghoul on Twitter','author':'dream ghoul','author_url':'https://twitter.com/TheDreamGhoul','provider_name':'Twitter','description':'I made a Tinder Bingo game. pic.twitter.com/mvb4AmzoXT— dream ghoul (@TheDreamGhoul) November 22, 2015nn','thumbnail_url':'https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CUb9eaxUwAAYF82.png:large','thumbnail_width':481,'thumbnail_height':513,'cache_age':86400},'summary':null,'badge':null},'provider':'twitter'},{'embedData':'

i don't understand ppl who set their tinder profile picture to a group pic like are u tryna get ur whole squad laid or summit

— levi jed murphy (@levijedmuxphy) January 11, 2017nn','type':'tweet','common':{'id':'5ad7b49ae4b0e4d0715ce8ef','caption':','credit':','creditUrl':','source':'

i don't understand ppl who set their tinder profile picture to a group pic like are u tryna get ur whole squad laid or summit

— levi jed murphy (@levijedmuxphy) January 11, 2017

What Well-off Means In Dating Site? Meaning

nn','thumbnail':{'url':{'url':'http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/979098187486105600/NyUQwD5P_normal.jpg','type':'externalUrl'}},'title':','type':'tweet','meta':{'url':'https://twitter.com/levijedmuxphy/status/819270909378908160','type':'rich','version':'1.0','title':'levi jed murphy on Twitter','author':'levi jed murphy','author_url':'https://twitter.com/levijedmuxphy','provider_name':'Twitter','description':'i don't understand ppl who set their tinder profile picture to a group pic like are u tryna get ur whole squad laid or summit— levi jed murphy (@levijedmuxphy) January 11, 2017nn','cache_age':86400},'summary':null,'badge':null},'provider':'twitter'},{'embedData':'

instagram message requests or “i saw you on tinder and you definitely didn’t like me back but i’m gonna try just in case also here’s a picture of my dick”

— inés (@vanberkeI) April 17, 2018nn','type':'tweet','common':{'id':'5ad7b5cae4b029ebe020a480','caption':','credit':','creditUrl':','source':'

instagram message requests or “i saw you on tinder and you definitely didn’t like me back but i’m gonna try just in case also here’s a picture of my dick”

— inés (@vanberkeI) April 17, 2018nn','thumbnail':{'url':{'url':'http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/973867238510989312/Hvvhbs-0_normal.jpg','type':'externalUrl'}},'title':','type':'tweet','meta':{'url':'https://twitter.com/vanberkeI/status/986342010016747521','type':'rich','version':'1.0','title':'inés on Twitter','author':'inés','author_url':'https://twitter.com/vanberkeI','provider_name':'Twitter','description':'instagram message requests or “i saw you on tinder and you definitely didn’t like me back but i’m gonna try just in case also here’s a picture of my dick”— inés (@vanberkeI) April 17, 2018nn','cache_age':86400},'summary':null,'badge':null},'provider':'twitter'},{'embedData':'

i just had a guy on tinder ask me what my ethnicity is, what my height is, and what my weight is... either he’s really picky or he was looking to sell me somewhere

— arianna (@ariannayw) April 16, 2018nn','type':'tweet','common':{'id':'5ad7b127e4b0e4d0715ce6a8','caption':','credit':','creditUrl':','source':'

i just had a guy on tinder ask me what my ethnicity is, what my height is, and what my weight is... either he’s really picky or he was looking to sell me somewhere

— arianna (@ariannayw) April 16, 2018nn','thumbnail':{'url':{'url':'http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/979240496106221568/eWgvK2Tv_normal.jpg','type':'externalUrl'}},'title':','type':'tweet','meta':{'url':'https://twitter.com/ariannayw/status/985709955528478727','type':'rich','version':'1.0','title':'arianna on Twitter','author':'arianna','author_url':'https://twitter.com/ariannayw','provider_name':'Twitter','description':'i just had a guy on tinder ask me what my ethnicity is, what my height is, and what my weight is... either he’s really picky or he was looking to sell me somewhere— arianna (@ariannayw) April 16, 2018nn','cache_age':86400},'summary':null,'badge':null},'provider':'twitter'},{'embedData':'

The couple met on Hinge, a dating app for people who think they're better than the hoi polloi on Tinder.

— NYTimes Vows (@NYTvows) March 30, 2016nn','type':'tweet','common':{'id':'5ad7b40fe4b0e4d0715ce8ae','caption':','credit':','creditUrl':','source':'

The couple met on Hinge, a dating app for people who think they're better than the hoi polloi on Tinder.

— NYTimes Vows (@NYTvows) March 30, 2016nn','thumbnail':{'url':{'url':'http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/596000864499847168/nss4Gru-_normal.jpg','type':'externalUrl'}},'title':','type':'tweet','meta':{'url':'https://twitter.com/NYTvows/status/715265060713541632','type':'rich','version':'1.0','title':'NYTimes Vows on Twitter','author':'NYTimes Vows','author_url':'https://twitter.com/NYTvows','provider_name':'Twitter','description':'The couple met on Hinge, a dating app for people who think they're better than the hoi polloi on Tinder.— NYTimes Vows (@NYTvows) March 30, 2016nn','cache_age':86400},'summary':null,'badge':null},'provider':'twitter'},{'embedData':'

TINDER DATE: So what's your sign?
ME: can you please explain the Russia thing to me in plain English I feel so dumb all the time

— Carlos Maza (@gaywonk) March 2, 2017

What Dating Sites Are Safe


TINDER DATE: So what's your sign?
ME: can you please explain the Russia thing to me in plain English I feel so dumb all the time

— Carlos Maza (@gaywonk) March 2, 2017nn','thumbnail':{'url':{'url':'http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/944318297482416128/v1de9Njy_normal.jpg','type':'externalUrl'}},'title':','type':'tweet','meta':{'url':'https://twitter.com/gaywonk/status/837137961418379265','type':'rich','version':'1.0','title':'Carlos Maza on Twitter','author':'Carlos Maza','author_url':'https://twitter.com/gaywonk','provider_name':'Twitter','description':'TINDER DATE: So what's your sign?ME: can you please explain the Russia thing to me in plain English I feel so dumb all the time— Carlos Maza (@gaywonk) March 2, 2017nn','cache_age':86400},'summary':null,'badge':null},'provider':'twitter'},{'embedData':'

a tinder love story:
we match
i don’t message them
they don’t message me
the end.

What Well-off Means In Dating Site?— mog (@megangdbeer) April 11, 2018nn','type':'tweet','common':{'id':'5ad7b551e4b0e4d0715ce96a','caption':','credit':','creditUrl':','source':'

a tinder love story:
we match
i don’t message them
they don’t message me
the end.

— mog (@megangdbeer) April 11, 2018nn','thumbnail':{'url':{'url':'http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/984458627602886656/-w69fm7z_normal.jpg','type':'externalUrl'}},'title':','type':'tweet','meta':{'url':'https://twitter.com/megangdbeer/status/984127239519338496','type':'rich','version':'1.0','title':'mog on Twitter','author':'mog','author_url':'https://twitter.com/megangdbeer','provider_name':'Twitter','description':'a tinder love story: we match i don’t message themthey don’t message methe end.— mog (@megangdbeer) April 11, 2018nn','cache_age':86400},'summary':null,'badge':null},'provider':'twitter'},{'embedData':'

How’s your dating life going? Today the only man who liked me on Hinge had 4 photos of his pet squirrel on his profile so that’s how mine’s going

— randy (@candlepeppers) February 26, 2018nn','type':'tweet','common':{'id':'5ad7b5b6e4b03c426daaf0c6','caption':','credit':','creditUrl':','source':'

How’s your dating life going? Today the only man who liked me on Hinge had 4 photos of his pet squirrel on his profile so that’s how mine’s going

— randy (@candlepeppers) February 26, 2018Site?nn','thumbnail':{'url':{'url':'http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/964974924971626496/JBXwi3_K_normal.jpg','type':'externalUrl'}},'title':','type':'tweet','meta':{'url':'https://twitter.com/candlepeppers/status/968218567735947264','type':'rich','version':'1.0','title':'randy on Twitter','author':'randy','author_url':'https://twitter.com/candlepeppers','provider_name':'Twitter','description':'How’s your dating life going? Today the only man who liked me on Hinge had 4 photos of his pet squirrel on his profile so that’s how mine’s going— randy (@candlepeppers) February 26, 2018nn','cache_age':86400},'summary':null,'badge':null},'provider':'twitter'},{'embedData':'

Suddenly, after passing over several people on Hinge because of the shape of their sunglasses, I understand why my mom says I'm too picky.

— Heather Schmelzlen (@anchorlines) January 16, 2014nn','type':'tweet','common':{'id':'5ad7b51de4b03c426daaf005','caption':','credit':','creditUrl':','source':'

Suddenly, after passing over several people on Hinge because of the shape of their sunglasses, I understand why my mom says I'm too picky.

— Heather Schmelzlen (@anchorlines) January 16, 2014

What Dating Sites Are Free

nn','thumbnail':{'url':{'url':'http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/760290317476171776/nl1RZQha_normal.jpg','type':'externalUrl'}},'title':','type':'tweet','meta':{'url':'https://twitter.com/anchorlines/status/423894256747429888','type':'rich','version':'1.0','title':'Heather Schmelzlen on Twitter','author':'Heather Schmelzlen','author_url':'https://twitter.com/anchorlines','provider_name':'Twitter','description':'Suddenly, after passing over several people on Hinge because of the shape of their sunglasses, I understand why my mom says I'm too picky.— Heather Schmelzlen (@anchorlines) January 16, 2014nn','cache_age':86400},'summary':null,'badge':null},'provider':'twitter'},{'embedData':'

maybe in 2018 i’ll actually message my tinder matches instead of collecting them like pokemon cards

— ivan (@Ivanibr) January 2, 2018nn','type':'tweet','common':{'id':'5ad7b59be4b029ebe020a467','caption':','credit':','creditUrl':','source':'

maybe in 2018 i’ll actually message my tinder matches instead of collecting them like pokemon cards

What Dating Site Is Best

— ivan (@Ivanibr) January 2, 2018

What Well-off Means In Dating Site? List

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